android - File sharing using Intent.ACTION_SEND gives access denied on BBM -

i trying share audio file saved application. file added media store apps can access it.

intent mediascannerintent = new intent(intent.action_media_scanner_scan_file);     uri filecontenturi = uri.fromfile(finalfile);     mediascannerintent.setdata(filecontenturi);     this.sendbroadcast(mediascannerintent); 

i use intent.action_send share files other apps:

public void sharerecording(view view) {     intent = new intent(intent.action_send);     i.setflags(intent.flag_grant_read_uri_permission);     i.settype("audio/mp3");     i.putextra(intent.extra_stream, uri.parse("file:///" + recording.getfilepath()));     try {         startactivity(intent.createchooser(i, "share " + recording.getname()));     } catch (android.content.activitynotfoundexception ex) {         toast.maketext(this, "there no app installed share audio file.", toast.length_short).show();     } } 

all working apps gmail, yahoo mail, whatsapp, ... except bbm, gives access denied. need make work on bbm ?

thanks help.


i used

uri fileuri = uri.parse("content://" + recording.getfilepath()); 

instead of

uri fileuri = uri.parse("file:///" + recording.getfilepath()); 

and worked on bbm not othe apps

so difference between havin uri parsed with: "file:///" , "content://" ? , how can used share working apps ?

error on bbm

the solution use actual file initialize uri object.

file recordingfile = new file(recording.getfilepath()); uri fileuri = uri.fromfile(recordingfile); 

this worked apps can share file.


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