c++ - Errors within Main program using classes -
i have few errors of same type in main program. college professor not answering emails have resort asking guys. in main program have several errors similar this: "request member of non-class type." program01 testing every function in listtype.h, olisttype.h, , ulisttype.h make sure works correctly. can provide in timely fashion appreciated.
here listtype.h:
#ifndef listtype_h_included #define listtype_h_included #include <iostream> class listtype { public: listtype(size_t=10); listtype(const listtype&); virtual ~listtype(); virtual bool insert(int)=0; virtual bool eraseall(); virtual bool erase(int)=0; virtual bool find(int) const=0; size_t size() const; bool empty() const; bool full() const; friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream&, const listtype&); const listtype& operator= (const listtype&); protected: int *items; size_t capacity; size_t count; }; #endif // listtype_h_included
here listtype.cpp:
#include "listtype.h" listtype::listtype (size_t a) { capacity = a; count = 0; items = new int [capacity]; } listtype::listtype(const listtype& newlist) { capacity = newlist.capacity; count = newlist.count; items = new int [capacity]; (size_t = 0; < count; ++i) items[i] = newlist.items[i]; } listtype::~listtype() { delete [] items; } bool listtype::eraseall() { count = 0; return 0; } size_t listtype::size() const { return (count); } bool listtype::empty() const { return (count == 0); } bool listtype::full() const { return (count == capacity); } std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const listtype& my_list) { if (!my_list.empty()) { (size_t = 0; < my_list.count; ++i){ out << my_list.items[i] << ','; } } return out; } const listtype& listtype::operator= (const listtype& rightobject) { if (this != & rightobject) { delete [] items; capacity = rightobject.capacity; count = rightobject.count; items = new int[capacity]; (size_t = 0; < count; ++i) { items[i] = rightobject.items[i]; } } return *this; }
here ulisttype.h:
#ifndef ulisttype_h_included #define ulisttype_h_included #include <iostream> class ulisttype: public listtype { public: ulisttype(size_t=10); bool insert(int); bool erase(int); bool find(int) const; }; #endif // ulisttype_h_included
here ulisttype.cpp:
#include "listtype.h" #include "ulisttype.h" ulisttype::ulisttype (size_t c): listtype(c) {} bool ulisttype::insert(int item) { if (full()) { int *newitems; capacity *=2; newitems = new int[capacity]; (size_t =0; < count; ++i){ newitems[i] = items[i]; } delete [] items; items = newitems; } items[count++] = item; return true; } bool ulisttype::erase(int item) { bool result = false; size_t i=0; while ( < count && items [i] != item) { ++i; } if (i < count) { items[i] = items[-- count]; result = true; } return result; } bool ulisttype::find(int item) const { size_t = 0; while (i < count && items [i] != item) { ++i; } return < count; }
here olisttype.h:
#ifndef olisttype_h_included #define olisttype_h_included #include <iostream> class olisttype: public listtype { public: olisttype(size_t=10); bool insert(int); bool erase(int); bool find(int) const; }; #endif // olisttype_h_included
here olisttype.cpp:
#include "listtype.h" #include "olisttype.h" olisttype::olisttype(size_t c): listtype(c) {} bool olisttype::insert(int item) { size_t = count; if (full()) { int *newitems; capacity *=2; newitems = new int[capacity]; for(size_t j=0; j < count; ++j) { newitems[j] = items[i]; } delete [] items; items = newitems; } while (i > 0 && items[i-1] > item){ items[count++] = item; } return true; } bool olisttype::erase(int item) { bool found=false; size_t i=0, j= count-1, mid; while (i <= j && !(found)){ mid = (i + j)/2; if (item < items [mid]) j = mid - 1; else if (item > items [mid]) = mid + 1; found = items [mid] == item; } if (found) { (i = mid; < count - 1; ++i) { items [i] = items [i +1]; } --count; } return found; } bool olisttype::find (int item) const { bool found=false; size_t i=0, j= count-1, mid; while (i <= j && !(found)){ mid = (i + j)/2; if (item < items [mid]) j = mid - 1; else if (item > items [mid]) = mid + 1; found = items [mid] == item; } return found; }
here program01.cpp:
#include "listtype.h" #include "ulisttype.h" #include "olisttype.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { olisttype list[5] = {165, 16, 118, 212, 104}; ulisttype ranlist[10] = {243, 300, 154, 153, 592, 124, 195, 217, 289, 405}; ulisttype ulistassignmenttest; olisttype olistassignmenttest; cout << "the ordered list before operations:" << endl; cout << list << endl << endl; if(list.empty()) **<-- here error** cout << "the list empty, therefore true."; else cout << "the list full or partially full, therefore false"; cout << endl << endl; if(list.full()) cout << "the list full, therefore true."; else cout << "the list partially full or empty, therefore false"; cout << endl << endl; list.insert(25); cout << endl << endl; cout << "the ordered list after insert:" << endl; cout << list << endl << endl; list.find(25); cout << endl << endl; list.find(30); cout << endl << endl; list.erase(25); cout << endl << endl; cout << "the ordered list after erase:" << endl; cout << list << endl << endl; cout << "the unordered list before operations:" << endl; cout << ranlist << endl << endl; if(ranlist.empty()) cout << "the list empty, therefore true."; else cout << "the list full or partially full, therefore false"; cout << endl << endl; if(ranlist.full()) cout << "the list full, therefore true."; else cout << "the list partially full or empty, therefore false"; cout << endl << endl; ranlist.insert(25); cout << endl << endl; cout << "the unordered list after insert:" << endl; cout << ranlist << endl << endl; ranlist.find(25); cout << endl << endl; ranlist.find(30); cout << endl << endl; ranlist.erase(25); cout << endl << endl; cout << "the unordered list after erase:" << endl; cout << ranlist << endl << endl; cout << "testing ordered list assignment operator" << endl; olistassignmenttest = list; cout << olistassignmenttest << endl << endl; cout << "testing unordered list assignment operator" << endl; ulistassignmenttest = ranlist; cout << ulistassignmenttest << endl << endl cout << "testing ordered list copy constructor" << endl; olisttype olistvariable = list; cout << olistvariable << endl << endl; cout << "testing unordered list copy constructor" << endl; ulisttype ulistvariable = ranlist; cout << ulistvariable << endl << endl; cout << "testing erase olist" << endl; list.eraseall(); cout << "olist values now: " << list.empty() << endl << endl; cout << "testing erase ulist" << endl; ranlist.eraseall(); cout << endl << "ulist values now: " << ranlist.empty() << endl; return 0; }
olisttype list[5] = {165, 16, 118, 212, 104};
this line declares array of 5 olisttype types. doesn't seem correct.
you want declare 1 olisttype , insert 5 values it. if not, please clarify line supposed denote.
here supposed do:
olisttype list; list.insert(165); list.insert(16); // etc...
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