c# - What decodes my encoded hash symbol(%23)? -

we noticed several machines have problems urls hash parameters.

when debugging request url:

we see in application_beginrequest method in global.asaxfile url: http://domain.com/entity(#23{number-here} in url.originalstring , url.localpath has http://domain.com/entity( , chars after hash in url.fragment.

when running same application on machines running windows 8.1 , iis 8.5 works expected, url.orinalstring http://domain.com/entity(%23{number-here}.

i can't see suspisous in url rewrite section in web.config or in iis configuration.

what can reason behaviour?

this bug in system.web.dll. fixed on windows 8.1, haven't yet rolled out fix system.web.dll on downlevel versions of operating system. we're trying fix in .net 4.5.x supported oses when next reliability update comes out.


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