android - Indeterminate Horizontal ProgressBar BELOW ActionBar using AppCompat? -

i have been looking answers on how place indeterminate horizontal progress bar below action bar using appcompat. i'm able horizontal progress bar appear, @ top of action bar. want under/below action bar kind of how gmail (except without pull refresh).

i used following code have progress bar appear:

supportrequestwindowfeature(window.feature_progress); setcontentview(r.layout.main_activity); setsupportprogressbarindeterminate(boolean.true); setsupportprogressbarvisibility(true); 

but places horizontal progress bar @ top of action bar. know how place progress bar below action bar?

i faced similar problem , solved creating own progressbar , aligning manipulating gettop() of content view.

so first create progressbar.

final layoutparams lp = new layoutparams(layoutparams.match_parent, 20); //use dp resources   mloadingprogressbar = new progressbar(this, null, android.r.attr.progressbarstylehorizontal); mloadingprogressbar.setindeterminate(true); mloadingprogressbar.setlayoutparams(lp); 

add window (decor view)

final viewgroup decor = (viewgroup) getwindow().getdecorview(); decor.addview(mloadingprogressbar); 

and in order correct position im using viewtreeobserver listens until view has been laid out (aka view.gettop() isnt 0).

final viewtreeobserver vto = decor.getviewtreeobserver();     vto.addongloballayoutlistener(new viewtreeobserver.ongloballayoutlistener() {          final view content = getview(;          @override         public void ongloballayout() {             int top = content.gettop();              //dont until gettop has value above 0.             if (top == 0)                 return;              //i use actionbar overlay in activities,              //in cases it's size has accounted             //otherwise progressbar show @ top of             //rather under.               if (getsherlock().hasfeature((int) window.feature_action_bar_overlay)) {                 top += getsupportactionbar().getheight();             }              //remove listener, dont need anymore.             utils.removeongloballayoutlistener(decor, this);              //view.sety() if you're using api 11+,              //i use nineoldandroids support older              viewhelper.sety(mloadingprogressbar, top);         }     }); 

hope makes sense you. luck!


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