ruby on rails - How to add an anchor at the end of paginate url in will_paginate -

this question has answer here:

hello have problem while using will paginate gem.i want pagination opened under anchor tab "volunteers".

the link pagination generates "/project_name?page=2" want include anchor tab in link should "/project_name?page=2#volunteers". how can link every time user clicks on next page?

in projects_controller.rb

def show     @volunteers=@volunteers.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 3 )     end 

in show.html.slim

=will_paginate @volunteers 

i got solution can add anchor links page redirects desired view replace will_paginate @volunteers  will_paginate @volunteers,:container => false,:params => {:anchor => "volunteers"} 

this generate new url '/projects?page=2#volunteers'.


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