jsf 2 - displaying the input value on confirm dialog returned null -

i working on j2ee6 project extract emails web browserrs. have command button calls extraction method after user entered emails number. once extraction completed confirm dialg shows , displaying number of emails extracted. here xhtml code:

<h:form id="mainform">             <p:panel id="panelform" header="email extractor"  >                         <h:panelgrid id="formulaire" columns="2">                       <h:panelgroup id="formblock" layout="block" >                         <p:panelgrid columns="2">                                                                                  <p:outputlabel for="emailsnbr" value="enter emails'number:" />                               <p:inputtext  id="emailsnbr"   type="number"  requiredmessage="emails number required"                                           value="#{mailmb.number}" required="true" label="emailsnbr">                                 </p:inputtext>                          </p:panelgrid>                     </h:panelgroup>                 </h:panelgrid>                  <p:commandbutton   value="extract" style="width: 12%;height: 100%" update="tableemails, :confirmpurchase, :confirmpurchasetest, :mainform" id="extractbutton" ajax="true" widgetvar="buttonextract"                                    actionlistener="#{mailmb.searchemails()}"                                     icon="ui-icon-disk" styleclass="ui-priority-primary"                                    onstart="blockuiwidget1.show();" oncomplete=" blockuiwidget1.hide(); if (args &amp;&amp; !args.validationfailed) freemails();" />                      <p:dialog widgetvar="blockuiwidget1" modal="true" closable="false"  >                       <h:panelgrid columns="2">                                               <p:graphicimage url="pictures/loading_bar.gif" width="264" height="34" alt="animated-loading-bar"/>                         <h:outputtext value="please wait..." style="white-space: nowrap;"/>                       </h:panelgrid>                   </p:dialog>             </p:panel>           </h:form>      <p:confirmdialog closable="false" style="position: absolute;  width: 50px; border-color: blue" id="confirmpurchasetest"  message="your database created. , contains #{mailmb.number} emails "                            appendtobody="true"                                                                                       header="get emails list" severity="info" widgetvar="emailslist">              <h:form>                         <p:commandbutton id="getemails" style="width: 30%;height: 100%" value="get emails" oncomplete="window.location.href = '/hitonclick/emailslist.xhtml'"  >                     <f:event type="prerenderview" listener="#{mailmb.prerender}"/>                 </p:commandbutton>                 <p:commandbutton id="declinetest" style="width: 30%;height: 100%" value="decline" onclick="deletedialog.show();" />                    </h:form> 

every thing works fine if enter small number. if enter big number exemple 600, extraction time becomes long (it's logic have no problem this) , number displayed on confirm dialog 0 although emails extracted when checked them db. related ajax or what?? how can fix this?


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