ruby on rails - New password is only accepting old password not different password -

in rails 3.2.13 project, using devise plugin. if going change password need enter current_password 3 fields, if try enter different password new_password & confirm_password fields show error message "current password invalid".

i have referred

in model,

def valid_password?(password)  return false if encrypted_password.blank?  bcrypt   =  password = ::bcrypt::engine.hash_secret("#{password}#{self.class.pepper}", bcrypt.salt)  devise.secure_compare(password, encrypted_password) end  def update_with_password(params, *options)  current_password = params.delete(:current_password)   if params[:password].blank?    params.delete(:password)    params.delete(:password_confirmation) if params[:password_confirmation].blank?  end   result = if valid_password?(current_password)    update_attributes(params, *options)  else    self.assign_attributes(params, *options)    self.valid?    self.errors.add(:current_password, current_password.blank? ? :blank : :invalid)    false  end  result end 

in controller,


validation should work like,

  • current password & new password should present

  • if user enters wrong password in current_password field should check valid or not

  • new password & confirm password should match


1st case: (shows invalid password message)  current password = "password" new password = "abcdefg" confirm password = "abcdefg"  2nd case: (accepts successfully)  current password = "password" new password = "password" confirm password = "password" 

how can change password entering different password instead of current(old) password?


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