certificate - cacert file not found on ColdFusion 9 -

for coldfusion 8 server, can see cacerts file in following path: c:\coldfusion8\runtime\jre\bin

however, cacert file not present on coldfusion 9 server @ same location.

i trying install cert coldfusion truststore following following steps:

1)      run command prompt administrator on coldfusion server  2)      make backup of original cacerts file in case run issues  3)    change directory truststore’s location (where cacerts file located).          in our case: c:\coldfusion8\runtime\jre\bin  4)    type command (use current jvm , use current jvm’s keytool):         c:\coldfusion8\runtime\jre\bin>keytool -import -v -alias exported -file c:\coldf         usion8\runtime\jre\lib\security\exported.cer -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit   5)    type yes @ prompt “trust certificate?”   6)   restart coldfusion service not read updated cacerts file until this.   

is there new coldfusion 9? have installed certificate coldfusion 8 following above steps? please advise

the default truststore jre's cacerts file. file typically located in following places:

  • server configuration:


  • multiserver/j2ee on jrun 4 configuration:


  • sun jdk installation:


you can verify jre coldfusion using administrator under 'system information' page. java home line.


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