java - schemagen gradle build error -

i trying migrate existing maven project gradle build. in maven project using jaxb2-maven-plugin generate xsd(schemagen)/classes(xjc). wanted same functionality in gradle. have few classes jaxb annotation not how exclude files not needed. when below error.


:createschematargetdir up-to-date :schemagen [ant:schemagen] error: org.gradle.person not have no-arg default constructor. [ant:schemagen]         problem related following location: [ant:schemagen]                 @ org.gradle.person( [ant:schemagen] 1 error :schemagen failed  failure: build failed exception.  * where: build file 'e:\gradle-schemagen\build.gradle' line: 31  * went wrong: execution failed task ':schemagen'. > schema generation failed 


apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'eclipse'  sourcecompatibility = 1.6 version = '1.0' schematargetdir = new file('build/generated-schema')  configurations {   jaxb }  jar {     manifest {         attributes 'implementation-title': 'gradle quickstart', 'implementation-version': version     } }  repositories {   mavencentral() }  task createschematargetdir () {   schematargetdir.mkdirs() }  task schemagen (dependson: createschematargetdir) {   dolast {     ant.taskdef(name: 'schemagen', classname: '', classpath: configurations.jaxb.aspath)     ant.schemagen(srcdir: new file('src/main/java'), destdir: schematargetdir, includeantruntime:'false') {       exclude (name:'')     }   } }  test {     systemproperties 'property': 'value' }  uploadarchives {     repositories {        flatdir {            dirs 'repos'        }     } }  dependencies {     compile group: 'commons-collections', name: 'commons-collections', version: '3.2'     testcompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.+'     jaxb group: 'com.sun.xml.bind', name: 'jaxb-xjc', version: '2.1.6' }

package org.gradle;  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.xmlelement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.xmlrootelement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.xmltype;  @xmlrootelement(name = "book") // if want can define order in fields written // optional @xmltype(proporder = { "author", "name", "publisher", "isbn" }) public class book {    private string name;   private string author;   private string publisher;   private string isbn;    // if variable name, e.g. "name", can change   // name xml-output:   @xmlelement(name = "title")   public string getname() {     return name;   }    public void setname(string name) { = name;   }    public string getauthor() {     return author;   }    public void setauthor(string author) { = author;   }    public string getpublisher() {     return publisher;   }    public void setpublisher(string publisher) {     this.publisher = publisher;   }    public string getisbn() {     return isbn;   }    public void setisbn(string isbn) {     this.isbn = isbn;   }  }

  package org.gradle;    import org.apache.commons.collections.list.growthlist;    public class person {    private final string name;     public person(string name) { = name;        new growthlist();    }     public string getname() {        return name;    }   } 

thank in advance.

i had few classpath issue, solved below changes.

ant.schemagen(srcdir: new file('src/main/java'), destdir: schematargetdir, includeantruntime:'false') {      classpath {          pathelement(path: configurations.jaxb.aspath )      }  }  dependencies {      compile group: 'commons-collections', name: 'commons-collections', version: '3.2'      testcompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.+'      jaxb (            'com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-xjc:2.1.6',            'org.apache.avro:avro-tools:1.7.5',            'org.apache.avro:avro:1.7.5'            )  } 


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