Hayageek jQuery file upload plugin pass extra data to PHP -

i using excellent hayageek file upload plugin, progress bar.

the plugin allows 1 specify url of php file processes uploaded file(s), this:

var uploadobj = $("#fileuploader").uploadfile({     url: "uploader.php",     method: "post",     allowedtypes:"jpg", //,png,gif,doc,pdf,zip     filename: "myfile",     multiple: false,     autosubmit: true,     showstatusaftersuccess:false,     onsuccess:function(files,data,xhr) {         alert( data );     }, }); 

i wish send (to php side) item id along uploaded file. advanced tab on ravi's website (click advanced manually) shows possible send information php upload processor file using either:

formdata: {"name":"ravi","age":31}, 

or, dynamic info:

dynamicformdata: function() {     var data ={ location:"india"}     return data; }, 

i not clear on difference between 2 (how use differently) -- not able send dynamic data via ordinary formdata: parameter if using variable, such formdata: {"name": strname,"age": intage},?

anyway, real problem next point: there no information how retrieve information on php side. assume data sent via json. i'm crap @ json.

here's tried - these attempts did not work (attempting alert in success: function, alert(data):


$formdat = json_decode($_post['formdata']); echo $formdat.name; 

nor this:

$formdat = $_post['formdata']; echo $formdat['name']; 

how should reference formdata - example, name or age values?

the answer simple didn't think try it. 3 examples in original question above:

$n = $_post['name']; $age = $_post['age']; 


$n = $_post['location']; echo $n; //alerts india 

source: response thread in disqus comment section on author's website:

how access dynamicformdata in upload.php ?? suresh koduri  rafael says:  ** in javascript: **  dynamicformdata: function() {     var data ={ location:"india"}     return data; }  -------------------------------------  ** in upload.php **  $location = $_post["location"]; 


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