ios - Is Bolts framework[Parse+Facebook] need to use parse webservice? -

i post question how use bolts framework[facebook+parse] i've question, must use parse webservice if want use bolts-framework?

they provide sample code below related(saveasync:) parse webservice. i've seen in line "using these libraries not require using parse services. nor require having parse or facebook developer account" in boltss' github

[[object saveasync:obj] continuewithblock:^id(bftask *task) {   if (task.iscancelled) {     // save cancelled.   } else if (task.error) {     // save failed.   } else {     // object saved successfully.     saveresult *saveresult = task.result;   }   return nil; }]; 

now confusion, is bolts framework need use parse webservice?

note: don't ask want use bolts-framework. see first line of question.

surely doesn't need parse webservice. i've same difficulty in implementing own task , i'm studying framework. take @ boltstest code: can find useful code.

i'm trying experiments in sample project ( need define own method returning bftask. here simple excerpt.

- (bftask*) parsehtml:(nsurl*)url searchstring:(nsstring*)searchstring { bftaskcompletionsource * tcs = [bftaskcompletionsource taskcompletionsource];  nsurlrequest * request = [nsurlrequest requestwithurl:url                                           cachepolicy:nsurlrequestreloadignoringlocalcachedata                                       timeoutinterval:30]; nsurlresponse * response; nserror * error; nsdata *returndata = [nsurlconnection sendsynchronousrequest:request returningresponse:&response error:&error]; if (!error) {     nsstring * receiveddata = [nsstring stringwithutf8string:[returndata bytes]];     nsuinteger occurrences = [self countoccurencesofstring:@"ios" inputstring:receiveddata];     [tcs setresult:[nsnumber numberwithint:occurrences]];   } else {     [tcs seterror:error]; }  return tcs.task; } 

then can use method docs explains , check task status.

[[self parsehtml:[nsurl urlwithstring:@""]] continuewithblock:^id(bftask *task) { if (task.iscancelled) {     // task cancelled  } else if (task.error) {     // task failed } else {     // task completes } return nil; }]; 


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