parallel processing - Reshape an outer layer of a 3D array to 1D array -
i have 3d array, msh(0:m+1,0:n+1,0:l+1)
representative of cartesian mesh grid. reshape outer layer 1d array. best way (efficient memory point of view)?
currently reshape plane plane starting -z,+z,:
array(1:m*n)=reshape(msh(1:m,1:n,0),m*n) array(m*n+1:2*m*n)=reshape(msh(1:m,1:n,l+1),m*n)
my first question weather reshaping being done in memory efficient way! or there other way using loop faster , more memory efficient (the size of arrays huge).
secondly, if have several of these arrays in different processors best way gather these outer layers in master node (e.g. rank=0
) using mpi
it's o(2*m*n+2*l*m+2*l*n)
problem way it, one option series of loops:
allocate(array(2*m*n+2*l*m+2*l*n)) h = 1 j=1,n i=1,m array(h) = msh(i,j,0) array(h+m*n+1) = msh(i,j,l+1) h = h+1 enddo enddo k=1,l i=1,m array(h) = msh(i,0,k) array(h+m*l+1) = msh(i,n+1,k) h = h + 1 enddo enddo k=1,l j=1,n array(h) = msh(0,j,k) array(h+l*n+1) = msh(m+1,j,k) h = h + 1 enddo enddo
then use normal mpi subroutines pass array
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