php - Getting error while uploading some selected images -
i have following php code uploading images on website.
global $objdb; global $path_to_image_directory ; global $path_to_thumbs_directory ; $final_width_of_image = 500; $path_to_image_directory = 'uploads/fullsized/'; $path_to_thumbs_directory = 'uploads/thumbs/'; $imagetitle=""; $mysqli = $objdb->connection; if(isset($_files['uploaded']['name'])) { if(preg_match('/[.](jpg)|(gif)|(png)$/', $_files['uploaded']['name'])) { $filename = $_files['uploaded']['name']; $source = $_files['uploaded']['tmp_name']; $target = $path_to_image_directory . $filename; move_uploaded_file($source, $target); createthumbnail($filename); $sql="insert gallery(image)values('$filename')"; $result=$objdb->query($sql); if($result==1) { header("location:gallery.php?s_msg=image added gallery"); } else { header("location:gallery.php?f_msg=unable add image"); } } else { header("location:gallery.php?f_msg=unable add image"); } } else { header("location:gallery.php?f_msg=unable add image"); } function createthumbnail($filename) { $path_to_image_directory=""; $path_to_thumbs_directory=""; $final_width_of_image=""; $path_to_image_directory = 'uploads/fullsized/'; $path_to_thumbs_directory = 'uploads/thumbs/'; $final_width_of_image = 400; if(preg_match('/[.](jpg)$/', $filename)) { $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($path_to_image_directory . $filename); } else if (preg_match('/[.](gif)$/', $filename)) { $im = imagecreatefromgif($path_to_image_directory . $filename); } else if (preg_match('/[.](png)$/', $filename)) { $im = imagecreatefrompng($path_to_image_directory . $filename); } $ox = imagesx($im); $oy = imagesy($im); $nx = $final_width_of_image; $ny = floor($oy * ($final_width_of_image / $ox)); $nm = imagecreatetruecolor($nx, $ny); imagecopyresized($nm, $im, 0,0,0,0,$nx,$ny,$ox,$oy); if(!file_exists($path_to_thumbs_directory)) { if(!mkdir($path_to_thumbs_directory)) { die("there problem. please try again!"); } } imagejpeg($nm, $path_to_thumbs_directory . $filename); }
everything working fine till yesterday, when user tried upload image of size 1mb
and throwing error :
premature end of jpeg file in db_gallery.php on line 64 fullsized/the_amazing_spider_man_2_movie-2048x1536.jpg' not valid jpeg file.
the image uploaded server thumbnail not created, pls help.
please try upload "gif" or "png" image , check throws same error !
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