c# - DateTime shift to next predefined date -

say have list of valid scheduling days. like: 23, 27, 29

i want modify given date it's next valid day-month based on above list.

if given date "23/11/2013" next valid date "27/11/2013" if given date "30/11/2013" has return "23/12/2013" , if given date "30/12/2013" has return "23/01/2014"

i've done in sql, i'm translating c# , it's bit tricky. i'm trying using linq on list sql similarity, gets confusing.

the sql statement (yes, know doesn't swift year):

select top 1 @date = isnull(dateadd(yy, year(@date)-1900, dateadd(m,  (month(@date)+case when datepart(day,@date)>[day] 1 else 0 end) - 1, [day] - 1)),@date) @days dateadd(yy, year(@date)-1900, dateadd(m,  (month(@date)+case when datepart(day,@date)>[day] 1 else 0 end) - 1, [day] - 1))>=@date order [day] 

@days working table.

i think you're looking (using linq):

    public static datetime nextdate(datetime seed, int[] days)     {         if (enumerable.range(1, 31).intersect(days).any())  //check stop long running lookup!         {             return enumerable.range(0, int.maxvalue)                 .select(i => seed.adddays(i))                 .first(d => days.contains(d.day));         }          return seed;     } 


var nextdate = nextdate(datetime.now, new[] { 23, 27, 29 }); 


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