ios - App crashing with exception: -[NSConcreteMutableData _fastCharacterContents] -
i trying share data facebook. able share data except image stored locally in iphone memory. when try share image stored locally parameter @"source" app gets terminated error "[nsconcretemutabledata _fastcharactercontents]".
for sharing local image converting nsdata required @"source" parameter.
nsdata *data = [nsdata datawithcontentsofurl:localurl]; __block acaccount *facebookaccount = nil; acaccounttype *facebookaccounttype = [self.accountstore accounttypewithaccounttypeidentifier:acaccounttypeidentifierfacebook]; // specify app id , permissions nsdictionary *options = @{ acfacebookappidkey: @"xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", acfacebookpermissionskey: @[@"email"], acfacebookaudiencekey: acfacebookaudienceeveryone }; // basic read permissions [self.accountstore requestaccesstoaccountswithtype:facebookaccounttype options:options completion:^(bool granted, nserror *e) { if (granted) { // have publish permissions execute request nsdictionary *options2 = @{ acfacebookappidkey: @"xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", acfacebookpermissionskey: @[@"publish_stream", @"publish_actions"], acfacebookaudiencekey: acfacebookaudiencefriends }; [self.accountstore requestaccesstoaccountswithtype:facebookaccounttype options:options2 completion:^(bool granted, nserror *error) { if (granted) { nsarray *accounts = [self.accountstore accountswithaccounttype:facebookaccounttype]; facebookaccount = [accounts lastobject]; /*nsdictionary *parameters = @{@"message": @"this test", @"name": @"sharing tutorial", @"caption": @"build great social apps , more installs.", @"description": @"allow users share stories on facebook app using ios sdk.", @"link": @"", @"source":data};*/ nsmutabledictionary *parameters = [nsmutabledictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys: @"my hat image", @"message", data, @"source", nil]; nsurl *feedurl = [nsurl urlwithstring:@""]; slrequest *feedrequest = [slrequest requestforservicetype:slservicetypefacebook requestmethod:slrequestmethodpost url:feedurl parameters:parameters]; nslog(@"anythinghere?"); [feedrequest setaccount:facebookaccount]; [feedrequest performrequestwithhandler:^(nsdata *responsedata, nshttpurlresponse *urlresponse, nserror *error) { // handle response nslog(@"%@%@", error,urlresponse); nsdictionary *response = [nsjsonserialization jsonobjectwithdata:responsedata options:kniloptions error:nil]; nslog(@"facebook response : %@",response); }]; } else { nslog(@"access denied 2"); nslog(@"%@", [error description]); } }]; } else { nslog(@"error: %@", [e description]); nslog(@"access denied"); } }];
what can reason behind error?
this educated guess because i've never used social framework, it's long comment.
judging answer using slrequest
wrong. i'm pretty sure exception comes data object interpreted nsstring (or nsurl).
maybe should use addmultipartdata:withname:type:filename:
attach photo request.
nsmutabledictionary *parameters = [nsmutabledictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys: @"my hat image", @"message", nil]; nsurl *feedurl = [nsurl urlwithstring:@""]; slrequest *feedrequest = [slrequest requestforservicetype:slservicetypefacebook requestmethod:slrequestmethodpost url:feedurl parameters:parameters]; [feedrequest addmultipartdata:data withname:@"source" type:@"multipart/form-data" filename:@"test image"];
which same code another answer
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