oop - Object Oriented In Perl Script -

sub new {     $class = shift; #off first element     $self = { };     bless $self, $class;     return $self; } 

could explain that? use of following 3 lines of code?

my $self = { };     bless $self, $class;     return $self; 

  1. my $self = { }; creates anonymous hash reference , stores in the lexical variable $self.

  2. bless $self, $class; tells perl $self not reference object of class stored in $class. see bless in perldoc. bless $x, $y returns $x, , subroutine returns value of last executed statement unless explicetly told otherwise return statement, next line optional, readability.

  3. return $self; hands value in $self (our special object reference) calling function. see return in perldoc.


to clarify, if don't bless reference, won't able call methods on it. bless tell perl, "look, on, associate reference in $self class in $class, can use methods in class on reference."


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