gruntjs - Sending specs in grunt using grunt-protractor-runner -

i using grunt-protractor-runner plugin , in protractor target want send specs param containing test run. in grunt file target looks follows:

testintegration:  {   options:    {     args: {       specs: ['test1.js'],       browser: 'firefox'   }  } 

the protractor parent task option contains setting of protractor config file.

when running target error: $ grunt protractor:testintegration running "protractor:testintegration" (protractor) task starting selenium standalone server... selenium standalone server started @ ... warning: pattern t did not match files. warning: pattern e did not match files. warning: pattern s did not match files. warning: pattern t did not match files. warning: pattern 1 did not match files. warning: pattern j did not match files. warning: pattern s did not match files.

and more errors. same line works in protractor config file. tried few other variation no success.

what missing? ideas?

try configuration:

module.exports = function(grunt) {    // project configuration   grunt.initconfig({   pkg: grunt.file.readjson('package.json'),   protractor: {     options: {       keepalive: true,       singlerun: false,       configfile: "protractor_config_file.js"     },     run_firefox: {       options: {         args: {           browser: "firefox"         }       }     }   });    // load grunt-protractor-runner   grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-protractor-runner');    // register tasks   grunt.registertask('default', 'run protractor using firefox',     ['protractor:run_firefox']); }; 

funny, if read every error message, spells out "test1.js". looks it's not reading in config file correctly, because you're not using grunt.file.readjson('filename.json')


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