iframe - Embedded Google calendar : how to set range of hours to display? -

given following embedding code:

<iframe src="https://www.google.com/calendar/embed? title=2014 plidam international symposium (paris)& dates=20140611/20140615& mode=week&amp; shownav=1&amp; showdate=1&amp; showprint=1&amp; showtabs=1&amp; showcalendars=0&amp; showtz=1; height=600&amp; wkst=2&amp; bgcolor=%23666666&amp; src=vdfmfbp0msroletduigs2qtkoc%40group.calendar.google.com&amp; color=%232952a3&amp; ctz=europe%2fparis"  style=" border:solid 1px #777 " width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> 

is there parameter set hours display/focus_on 09:00 18:00 (6pm), aka working hours ? same days, there someways display/focus_on rights 4 days only.

fiddle here

there doesn't appear way through api, currently. use javascript/jquery remove elements don't want show in dom after iframe has finished loading.

so, delete wednesday column, if know column index, this:

$("tr").each(function() {     $(this).filter("td:eq(3)").remove(); }); 

you can scroll specific div view:




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