iphone - iOS how to create scale view -

how create view changed scale when button pushed.

when push "x" of small view, view changed big view animation. when push "x" of big view, view changed small view animation. and, anytime can click "b" viewed on each view. how create view?

 small view   |bbbbb|         |bbxbb|    big view   |bbbbb|   |bbbbb|   |bbbbb|   |bbbbb|   |bbxbb| 

- (ibaction)buttontapped:(id)sender {     [uiview animatewithduration:0.5 animations:^{         uiview *view = (uiview *)sender;         view.frame = cgrectequaltorect(view.frame, small_rect) ? big_rect : small_rect;     }]; } 


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