javascript - increase descrease font size with line height using jquery -

i want jquery code increase or descrease font. tried codes not running well.

here link of demo (am first time using fiddle please can set needed)

i have different sizes font here, @ time of increasing font size makes font of same how fix that?

my code:

<div id='contents'><div><strong>lorem ipsum</strong> dummy text of printing ,  typesetting industry. lorem ipsum has been industry's standard dummy  <div><font face="comic sans ms" size="5" color="#c2c2c2">text ever since 1500s, when unknown printer took galley of  type , scrambled make type specimen book. has survived not  </font></div><font face="comic sans ms" size="5" color="#c2c2c2"> 5 centuries, leap electronic typesetting,  remaining unchanged. popularised in 1960s  release of letraset sheets containing lorem ipsum </font>passages, , more  desktop publishing software <font size="1">aldus pagemaker  including versions of  </font><div><font size="1">lorem ipsum. </font></div></div></div> <a href="#" onclick="increasefont()">increasefont</a> <a href="#" onclick="decreasefont()">decreasefont</a>     <script type="text/javascript"> var $ = jquery var section = '#contents *'; var originalfontsize = $(section).css('font-size'); var originallineheight = $(section).css('line-height');  function resetfont() {     $(section).css('font-size', originalfontsize);     $(section).css('font-size', originallineheight); }  function increasefont() {     var currentfontsize = $(section).css('font-size');     var currentlineheight = $(section).css('line-height');     var currentfontsizenum = parsefloat(currentfontsize, 10);     var newfontsize = currentfontsizenum * 1.2;     $(section).css('font-size', newfontsize);     var currentlineheightnum = parsefloat(currentlineheight, 10);     var newlineheight = currentlineheightnum * 0.1;     $(section).css('line-height', newlineheight);     return false; }  function decreasefont() {     var currentfontsize = $(section).css('font-size');     var currentlineheight = $(section).css('line-height');     var currentfontsizenum = parsefloat(currentfontsize, 10);     var newfontsize = currentfontsizenum * 0.8;     $(section).css('font-size', newfontsize);     var currentlineheightnum = parsefloat(currentlineheight, 10);     var newlineheight = currentlineheightnum * 0.8;     $(section).css('line-height', newlineheight);     return false; } </script> 

the primary issue you're calling $(section).css(), returning single value (16px), applying sections. getting code work isn't difficult - you'll want call $(section), use .each() loop through each section , update value way.

i've updated fiddle, has increasefont function updated illustrate workaround. you!

and change made:

function increasefont() {     $(section).each(function(idx, el){         var currentfontsize = $(this).css('font-size'),             currentlineheight = $(this).css('line-height'),             currentfontsizenum = parsefloat(currentfontsize, 10),             newfontsize = currentfontsizenum * 1.2;          $(this).css('font-size', newfontsize);          var currentlineheightnum = parsefloat(currentlineheight, 10),             newlineheight = currentlineheightnum * 0.1;          $(this).css('line-height', newlineheight);             }); } 

happy javascripting!


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