ActionScript 3.0 AddChild Function Not Working -

i have tested out code , addchild won't work. no errors outputted.

package{     import flash.display.movieclip;     import;     import;     import flash.display.*;     import*;     import flash.geom.rectangle;     import;     import flash.text.*;     public class game extends flash.display.movieclip{         public static const state_init:int = 10;         public static const state_play:int = 20;         public static const state_end_game:int = 30;         public var gamestate:int = 0;         public var score:int = 0;         public var chances:int = 5;         public var bg:movieclip;         public var enemies:array;         public var player:movieclip;         public var level:number = 0;         public var scorelabel:textfield = new textfield         public var levellabel:textfield = new textfield         public var chanceslabel:textfield = new textfield         public var scoretext:textfield = new textfield         public var leveltext:textfield = new textfield         public var chancestext:textfield = new textfield         public const scoreboard_y:number = 380         public function game(){             addeventlistener(event.enter_frame, gameloop);             bg = new backimage();             addchild(bg);             scorelabel.text = "score:";             levellabel.text = "level:";             chanceslabel.text = "misses:";             scoretext.text = "0";             leveltext.text = "1";             chancestext.text = "5";             scorelabel.y = scoreboard_y;             levellabel.y = scoreboard_y;             chanceslabel.y = scoreboard_y;             scoretext.y = scoreboard_y;             leveltext.y = scoreboard_y;             chancestext.y = scoreboard_y;             scorelabel.x = 5;             scoretext.x = 50;             chanceslabel.x = 105;             chancestext.x = 155;             levellabel.x = 205;             leveltext.x = 260             addchild(scorelabel);             addchild(levellabel);             addchild(chanceslabel);             addchild(scoretext);             addchild(leveltext);             addchild(chancestext);             gamestate = state_init;         }         public function gameloop(e:event):void{         switch(gamestate){             case state_init:                 initgame();                 break;             case state_play:                 playgame();                 break;             case state_end_game:                 endgame();                 break;         }     }         public function initgame():void{             score = 0;             chances = 5;             player = new playerimage();             enemies = new array();             level = 1;             leveltext.text = level.tostring();             addchild(player);             player.startdrag(true,new rectangle(0,0,550,400))             gamestate = state_play         }         public function playgame():void{             player.rotation += 15;             makeenemies();             moveenemies();             testcollisions();             testforend();         }         public function makeenemies():void{             var chance:number = math.floor(math.random()*100);             var tempenemy:movieclip;             if (chance < 2 + level) {                 tempenemy = new enemyimage()                 tempenemy.speed = 3 + level;                 tempenemy.gotoandstop(math.floor(math.random()*5)+1);                 tempenemy.y = 435;                 tempenemy.x = math.floor(math.random()*515)                 addchild(tempenemy);                 enemies.push(tempenemy);             }         }         public function moveenemies():void{             var tempenemy:movieclip;             (var i:int = enemies.length -1;i >= 0;i--){                 tempenemy = enemies[i];                 tempenemy.y -= tempenemy.speed;                 if (tempenemy.y < -35){                     chances -= 1;                     chancestext.text = chances.tostring();                     enemies.splice(i,1);                         removechild(tempenemy);                     }                 }             }             public function testcollisions():void {                 var sound:sound = new pop();                 var tempenemy:movieclip;                 (var i:int = enemies.length -1;i >= 0;i--){                     tempenemy = enemies[i];                     if(tempenemy.hittestobject(player)){                         score++;                         scoretext.text = score.tostring();               ;                         enemies.splice(i,1);                         removechild(tempenemy);                     }                 }             }             public function testforend():void{                 if(chances == 5){                     gamestate = state_end_game;                 }                 else if(score > level*20) {                     level++;                     leveltext.text = level.tostring();                 }             }             public function endgame():void{                 for(var i:int = 0; i< enemies.length; i++) {                     removechild(enemies[i]);             }                 enemies = [];                 player.stopdrag()          }     } } 

i have tried adding this. , stage. in front of addchild , still doesn't work.

this inside file called

when create game instance need add child stage:

// rename variable 'game' // 1st character of variable name conventionally lower-case // var game:game = new game();  var script:game = new game(); this.addchild(script); 


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