ios7 - Pausing a sprite kit scene -

@property (sk_nonatomic_iosonly, getter = ispaused) bool paused; 

i found line of code add project, how pause whole game?

for example:

-(void)touchesbegan:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event{ (uitouch *touch in touches) {     skspritenode *pause = (skspritenode*)[self childnodewithname:@"pause"];     cgpoint location = [touch locationinnode:self];     // nslog(@"** touch location ** \nx: %f / y: %f", location.x, location.y);      if([pause containspoint:location])     {         nslog(@"pause game here somehow");     } } 


as can see, have button set up. when select it, how pause whole scene? , resume when hits resume button.

ok got advice call

  self.scene.view.paused = yes; 

except here problem, in app delegate

- (void)applicationwillresignactive:(uiapplication *)application{   skview *view = (skview *)self.window.rootviewcontroller.view; view.paused = yes;} 


- (void)applicationdidbecomeactive:(uiapplication *)application{      skview *view = (skview *)self.window.rootviewcontroller.view;     view.paused = no; 

i make type skview, when skscene. anyway fix this? suggest make scenes views retyping code?

use skview's paused property:


scene.view?.paused = true 

objective c:

self.scene.view.paused = yes; 

this stop actions , physics simulation.


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