CryptoJS run very slow in IE7 -

the following cryptojs code run in normal speed in ie9 very slow in ie7, reason behind , method speed script in ie7?

var keylength = 256;   var iteration = 1000; var salt = cryptojs.lib.wordarray.random(128/8);   var key = cryptojs.pbkdf2(passphrase, salt, { keysize: keylength/32, iterations: iteration });   var iv = cryptojs.lib.wordarray.random(128/8);   var loginpassword = document.getelementsbyname("password")[0].value;  var encrypted = cryptojs.aes.encrypt(loginpassword, key, {iv:iv},{mode:cryptojs.mode.cbc,padding: cryptojs.pad.pkcs7});   

microsoft has improved speed of javascript engine in ie9 bring par other modern js engines (see here). i'm afraid there's nothing can done improve performance of ie7 engine. of course, in specific case, reduce number of iterations, although not familiar enough pbkdf2 how far can reduce before function becomes unsafe. option consider moving password hashing server...


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