Play base64 audio string from Azure Blob service REST api with Javascript/Phonegap -
im having trouble playing audio file (.aac) stored bae64 encoded string in azure blob storage javascript.
i have following scenario:
- a mobile app (phonegap) records audio .aac file , stores in localstorage. file same small (<250kb)
- the file get's converted base64 encoded string , uploaded blob storage account through jquery ajax call (see upload_code) below using blob service rest api. see this page details on blob service rest api.
- when download file manually through browser can see base64 encoded string starts witch "data:application/octet-stream;base64,aaaa....."
upload_code snippet:
$.ajax({ url: url, type: "put", data: requestdata, processdata: false, beforesend: function (xhr) { xhr.setrequestheader('x-ms-blob-type', 'blockblob'); }, trycount: 0, retrylimit: number_of_retries, success: successcallback, error: errorcallback });
at point well. stuck @ playback of file storage api. can access file through url want user able listen uploaded audio.
i've been thinking along following solutions haven't been able working yet:
a. use phonegap media class , pass in url base64 encoded string , start playing (streaming) audio.
b. download base64 string, convert audio file in javascript , start playback.
c. upload file in blob storage actual aac file instead of base64 encoded string playback starts when opening url through, example, browser.
d. ... ?
in way can turn of these scenario's working solution?
i have solved uploading file byte[] instead of base64 encoded string. file get's stored .aac audio file in blob storage , can played directly storage.
for uploading used following code:
var reader = new filereader(); reader.onloadend = function (evt) { if ( === filereader.done) { // done == 2 var retry_timeout_seconds = 5; var number_of_retries = 3; var requestdata = new uint8array(; $.ajax({ url: url, type: "put", data: requestdata, processdata: false, beforesend: function (xhr) { xhr.setrequestheader('x-ms-blob-type', 'blockblob'); }, trycount: 0, retrylimit: number_of_retries, success: function (data, status) { console.log(status); }, error: function (xhr, desc, err) { if (xhr.status === 403) { console.log("access denied, assigned upload time has been exeeded"); } else { this.trycount += 1; if (this.trycount <= this.retrylimit) { console.log("retrying transmission"); settimeout($.ajax(this), retry_timeout_seconds * 1000); return; } } console.log(desc); console.log(err); } }); } }; // read file byte[] reader.readasarraybuffer(dbfile);
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