python - How to combine sub-sublists only if they share a common value? -

i have sublists filled own sublists. if sub-sublists share common value @ index 1, i'd combine 2 sublists 1 merging/combining items in sub-sublists create 1 sub-sublist.

l = [[         ['sublist1','aaa','10','apple,pear,banana'],         ['sublist1','aaa','50','peach,orange,banana'],         ['sublist1','ddd','3','bike,street']     ],[         ['sublist2','ccc','50','tomator,lemmon'],         ['sublist2','eee','30','phone,sign'],         ['sublist2','ccc','90','strawberry'],         ['sublist2','fff','30','phone,sign']     ],[         ['sublist3','bbb','100','tomator,lemmon'],         ['sublist3','bbb','100','pear'],         ['sublist3','fff','90','strawberry'],         ['sublist3','fff','50','']     ]] 

for example, if sub-sublists share aaa @ index 1, combine items @ index 2 , 3. in case 10 , 50 become '10,50', , 'apple,pear,banana' , 'peach,orange,banana' become 'apple,pear,banana,peach,orange,banana'.

desired_result = [[         ['sublist1','aaa','10,50','apple,pear,banana,peach,orange'],         ['sublist1','ddd','3','bike,street']     ],[         ['sublist2','ccc','50,90','tomator,lemmon,strawberry'],         ['sublist2','eee','30','phone,sign'],         ['sublist2','fff','30','phone,sign']     ],[         ['sublist3','bbb','100,100','tomator,lemmon,pear'],         ['sublist3','fff','90,50','strawberry']     ]] 

can try this?

i assumed there 'sublist2' in front of 'fff' in sample l.

def merge(lst):     def j(sq):         return ",".join(sq)     def m(sl):         dic = {}         ssl in sl:             k = tuple(ssl[0:2])             try:                 v = dic[k]             except keyerror:                 dic[k] = v = (set(), set())             v[0].update( set(ssl[2].split(',')) )             v[0].discard('')             v[1].update( set(ssl[3].split(',')) )             v[1].discard('')         return [ list(k) + [j(v[0])] + [j(v[1])] k, v in sorted(dic.iteritems()) ]     return [ m(sl) sl in lst ]  sl in merge(l):     print sl 


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