android - Can I force Universal Image Loader to cache only internally? -

having cache saved externally(sdcard) cause not deleted during uninstall. don't want happen, can edit uil library such saves cache internally(inside app). i'm using limitedagedisccache anyway deleted in given time.

if yes, should alter getowncachedirectory method storageutils.class?

you can use imageloaderconfiguration.builder(context)'s method, diskcache(), set diskcache universal image loader. , customized disk cache prefer internal cache.

and can create internal storage public method universal-image-loader, storageutils.

for example,

// false indicator don't prefer external storage. file cachedir = storageutils.getcachedirectory(context, false);  // avoid exception, still prepare default 1 universal image loader file reservecachedir = storageutils.getcachedirectory(context);  long cachemaxsize = 15 * 1024 * 1024; // 15 mb  diskcache diskcache; try {     diskcache = new lrudisccache(cachedir, reservecachedir, defaultconfigurationfactory.createfilenamegenerator(), cachemaxsize, 0); } catch (ioexception e) {     e.printstacktrace();     // if cannot use lrudisccache internal cache, jut use defaultconfigurationfactory instead     diskcache = defaultconfigurationfactory.creatediskcache(context, defaultconfigurationfactory.createfilenamegenerator(), cachemaxsize, 0); }  imageloaderconfiguration.builder builder = new imageloaderconfiguration.builder(context)         .diskcache(diskcache); imageloaderconfiguration config =; imageloader.getinstance().init(config); 

hope useful you.


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