angularjs - How to configure Spring and Angular to work together -

i have spring rest server (v3.2) , angularjs client code.

from understanding in basic scenario user navigates base domain .com, index.html being sent , and point angular manages communication.

my questions are: 1. how set spring return angular file. 2. how handle situation user not go though base domain , navigates .com/books/moby-dick returns json representation of moby-dick book suppose rendered client

a tutorial highly appreciated. web initialzer class:

public class webappinitializer implements webapplicationinitializer {      private static logger log = loggerfactory.getlogger(webappinitializer.class);      @override     public void onstartup(servletcontext servletcontext) {         webapplicationcontext rootcontext = createrootcontext(servletcontext);          configurespringmvc(servletcontext, rootcontext);          filterregistration.dynamic corsfilter = servletcontext.addfilter("corsfilter", corsfilter.class);         corsfilter.addmappingforurlpatterns(null, false, "/*");  //        configurespringsecurity(servletcontext, rootcontext);     }      private webapplicationcontext createrootcontext(servletcontext servletcontext) {         annotationconfigwebapplicationcontext rootcontext = new annotationconfigwebapplicationcontext();  //        rootcontext.register(coreconfig.class, securityconfig.class);         rootcontext.register(coreconfig.class);          servletcontext.addlistener(new contextloaderlistener(rootcontext));         servletcontext.setinitparameter("defaulthtmlescape", "true");          return rootcontext;     }       private void configurespringmvc(servletcontext servletcontext, webapplicationcontext rootcontext) {         annotationconfigwebapplicationcontext mvccontext = new annotationconfigwebapplicationcontext();         mvccontext.register(mvcconfig.class);          mvccontext.setparent(rootcontext);         servletregistration.dynamic appservlet = servletcontext.addservlet(                 "webservice", new dispatcherservlet(mvccontext));         appservlet.setloadonstartup(1);         set<string> mappingconflicts = appservlet.addmapping("/");          if (!mappingconflicts.isempty()) {             (string s : mappingconflicts) {                 log.error("mapping conflict: " + s);             }             throw new illegalstateexception(                     "'webservice' cannot mapped '/'");         }     } 

this mvc configuration file:

@configuration @enablewebmvc @componentscan(basepackages = {""}) public class mvcconfig extends webmvcconfigureradapter {      @override     public void addresourcehandlers(resourcehandlerregistry registry) {         registry.addresourcehandler("/resources/**").addresourcelocations("/resources/");     } } 

(disclaimer: author of jhipster)

you can have @ jhipster generate such application you, spring backend , angularjs frontend.

as generator goes far beyond need (security, etc), can have @ our sample application.


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