how to use powershell to copy file and retain original timestamp -

i copy files or folder of files 1 file server another. however, want keep original timestamp , file attributes newly copied files have same timestamp of original files. in advance on answer.

here's powershell function that'll you're asking... absolutely no sanity checking, caveat emptor...

function copy-filewithtimestamp { [cmdletbinding()] param(     [parameter(mandatory=$true,position=0)][string]$path,     [parameter(mandatory=$true,position=1)][string]$destination )      $origlastwritetime = ( get-childitem $path ).lastwritetime     copy-item -path $path -destination $destination     (get-childitem $destination).lastwritetime = $origlastwritetime } 

once you've run loaded that, can like:

copy-filewithtimestamp foo bar 

(you can name shorter, tab completion, not big of deal...)


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