compilation - docker unable to compile program (possibly undefied macro AC_MSG_ERROR) -
i'm trying compile following program inside of docker container. when attempting run autoconf given error "possibly undefined macro: ac_msg_error" google has dozens of results exact error. of them solved installing pkg-config or libtool-ltdl as can see docker file, both of packages installed. from centos run yum install -y autoconf make autogen gcc gcc-c++ openssl-devel git libxml2-devel libtool libtool-ltdl run git clone git:// -b /tmp/pbs_server run cd /tmp/pbs_server run autoconf run ./configure --with-debug run make -j4 run make install here error when running docker build . step 4 : run autoconf error: possibly undefined macro: ac_msg_error if token , others legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow. see autoconf documentation. error: possibly undefined macro: am_init_automake error: poss...