uiviewcontroller - how to pop view from stack in tab bar controller in iOS -

i have tabbar controller. in 1 of viewcontroller children check , determine if show login view code:

if(loggedin){  }else{      signupviewcontroller *svc = [self.storyboard instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier:@"signupview"];     svc.hidesbottombarwhenpushed = yes;     [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:svc animated:yes];  } 

from here user goes through several subsequent views in wizard format. signupviewcontroller1->signupviewcontroller2->signupviewcontroller3->etc. @rocky pointed out, cannot pop signupviewcontroller1 off stack while in signupviewcontroller2 or 3 or subsequent viewcontroller.

i know ios docs state following:

if yes, bottom bar remains hidden until view controller popped stack.

my question how acccess original signupviewcontroller pop off stack see tabbar again once have moved subsequent views in navigation controller?

(the next answer swift, but, can traduce objective-c)

i not know, maybe can try that:

@ibaction func returntopreviusscene(sender : anyobject) {         let navcontroller:uinavigationcontroller = self.navigationcontroller!         navcontroller.popviewcontrolleranimated(true)         navcontroller.pushviewcontroller(fatherview.singleton, animated: false)     } 

you need know: singleton static variable view fatherview


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