javascript - error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null after adding and deleting an Event -

i have unfinished tic-tac-toe game , i'm having trouble when finish first game, press "iniciar" play again. innerhtml error, can't figure out why happening , appreciate help.

it works this: "iniciar" start playing when game finishes if it's tie "iniciar" again if there winner scoreboard changes. "iniciar" (here when error occurs)

"reiniciar" resets score , start new game. gives error too.

it's weird because when it's tie, there's no problem #errorenturno when there's winner , start over, error there.

<html>  <head>     <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> </head>  <body>      <script type="text/javascript">         var turno = 1,             puntosx = 0,             puntoscero = 0; // globals         window.addeventlistener('load', start, false);          function start() {              document.getelementbyid('empezar').addeventlistener('click', inicio, false); // yellow buttons             document.getelementbyid('reiniciar').addeventlistener('click', reinicio, false);         }          function reinicio() { // yellow buttons             document.getelementbyid('ganx').innerhtml = 0;             document.getelementbyid('gando').innerhtml = 0;             inicio();         }           function inicio() { // adds listener spans in table             var x;              (x = 0; x <= 8; x++) {                 document.getelementbyid('boton' + x).innerhtml = '';             }             (x = 0; x <= 8; x++) {                 document.getelementbyid('boton' + x).addeventlistener('click', jugada, false);             }         }          function jugada(evt) { // checks move             document.getelementbyid('errorenturno').innerhtml = '';             var bloquejugado =;             if (turno === 1) {                 if (bloquejugado.innerhtml === 'o' || bloquejugado.innerhtml === 'x') {                     document.getelementbyid('errorenturno').innerhtml = 'ya se ha jugado aquíx'; // marked                     return;                 } else {                     if (bloquejugado.innerhtml !== 'x') {                = 'x';                     }                 }                 verificargan('x', 1);                 turno = 0;                 return;             }              if (turno === 0) {                 if (bloquejugado.innerhtml === 'x' || bloquejugado.innerhtml === 'o') {                     document.getelementbyid('errorenturno').innerhtml = 'ya se ha jugado aquí0'; // marked                     return;                 } else {                     if (bloquejugado.innerhtml !== 'o') {                = 'o';                     }                 }                 verificargan('o', 2);                 turno = 1;                 return;             }         }          function verificargan(mov, jug) { // verifies if there winning move             var j1 = document.getelementbyid('boton0');             var j2 = document.getelementbyid('boton1');             var j3 = document.getelementbyid('boton2');             var j4 = document.getelementbyid('boton3');             var j5 = document.getelementbyid('boton4');             var j6 = document.getelementbyid('boton5');             var j7 = document.getelementbyid('boton6');             var j8 = document.getelementbyid('boton7');             var j9 = document.getelementbyid('boton8');             var detuvo = 0;              function detener(gano) { // deletes event listener spans in table                 if (gano == 1) {                     (x = 0; x <= 8; x++) {                         document.getelementbyid('boton' + x).removeeventlistener('click', jugada);                     }                 }             }              function puntotablero() { // adds points scoreboard, since added started having trouble                 if (jug == 1) {                     puntosx = puntosx + 1;                     document.getelementbyid('ganx').innerhtml = puntosx;                 }                 if (jug == 2) {                     puntoscero = puntoscero + 1;                     document.getelementbyid('gando').innerhtml = puntoscero;                 }             }              // checking winning moves 1 one. applies needed functions.             if (j1.innerhtml == mov && j2.innerhtml == mov && j3.innerhtml == mov) {                 document.getelementbyid('ganador').innerhtml = 'ha ganado el jugador ' + jug;                 detener(1);                 puntotablero();             }             if (j4.innerhtml == mov && j5.innerhtml == mov && j6.innerhtml == mov) {                 document.getelementbyid('ganador').innerhtml = 'ha ganado el jugador ' + jug;                 detener(1);                 puntotablero();             }             if (j7.innerhtml == mov && j8.innerhtml == mov && j9.innerhtml == mov) {                 document.getelementbyid('ganador').innerhtml = 'ha ganado el jugador ' + jug;                 detener(1);                 puntotablero();             }             if (j1.innerhtml == mov && j4.innerhtml == mov && j7.innerhtml == mov) {                 document.getelementbyid('ganador').innerhtml = 'ha ganado el jugador ' + jug;                 detener(1);                 puntotablero();             }             if (j2.innerhtml == mov && j5.innerhtml == mov && j8.innerhtml == mov) {                 document.getelementbyid('ganador').innerhtml = 'ha ganado el jugador ' + jug;                 detener(1);                 puntotablero();             }             if (j3.innerhtml == mov && j6.innerhtml == mov && j9.innerhtml == mov) {                 document.getelementbyid('ganador').innerhtml = 'ha ganado el jugador ' + jug;                 detener(1);                 puntotablero();             }             if (j1.innerhtml == mov && j5.innerhtml == mov && j9.innerhtml == mov) {                 document.getelementbyid('ganador').innerhtml = 'ha ganado el jugador ' + jug;                 detener(1);                 puntotablero();             }             if (j7.innerhtml == mov && j5.innerhtml == mov && j3.innerhtml == mov) {                 document.getelementbyid('ganador').innerhtml = 'ha ganado el jugador ' + jug;                 detener(1);                 puntotablero();             }             }     </script>     <style>         .lavieja {             font-family: peralta;             position: fixed;             left: 0px;             top: 100px;             cursor: default;             color: black;             background-color: lightgrey;         }         .lavieja td {} .lavieja span {             font-size: 100px;             display: inline-block;             border: 1px solid white;             width: 160px;             height: 160px;             text-align: center;             line-height: 150px;         }         span {             clear: both;         }         .botonz {             font-family: peralta;             border: 1px solid black;             text-align: center;             padding-top: 18px;             cursor: pointer;             width: 150px;             height: 40px;             background-color: lightyellow;             display: inline-block;             position: relative;             top: 90px;             left: 10px;         }         .botonz:hover {             background-color: yellow;         }         #reiniciar {} * {             font-family: peralta;         }         #ganador {             font-size: 30px;             border: 1px solid white;             text-align: center;             position: relative;             width: 100%;             height: 130px;             top: 80px;             display: block;             color: green;         }         #estadisticas {             width: 350px;             height: 400px;             position: fixed;             top: 100px;             left: 530px;             border: 1px solid white;         }         #ganadasx {             font-size: 20px;         }         #ganadaso {             font-size: 20px;         }         #ganx {             font-size: 30px;             color: green;         }         #gando {             font-size: 30px;             color: red;         }     </style>     <table border="1" class="lavieja">         <tr>             <td><span id="boton0">1</span>             </td>             <td><span id="boton1">2</span>             </td>             <td><span id="boton2">3</span>             </td>         </tr>         <tr>             <td><span id="boton3">4</span>             </td>             <td><span id="boton4">5</span>             </td>             <td><span id="boton5">6</span>             </td>         </tr>         <tr>             <td><span id="boton6">7</span>             </td>             <td><span id="boton7">8</span>             </td>             <td><span id="boton8">9</span>             </td>     </table>     <div id="estadisticas">          <p><span id="ganadasx">ganadas x:&nbsp&nbsp  </span><span id="ganx">10</span>         </p>         <p><span id="ganadaso">ganadas o:&nbsp&nbsp  </span><span id="gando">5</span>         </p>         <p><span id="ganador"><span id="errorenturno"></span></span>         </p>         <div id="empezar" class="botonz">iniciar</div>         <div id="reiniciar" class="botonz">reiniciar juego</div>      </div>       </tr> </body>  </html> 

while checking inner moves innerhtml of div id ganador replaced ha ganado el jugador. happens span id errorenturno lost.

your errorenturno span inside ganador span.

<p><span id="ganador"><span id="errorenturno"></span></span> 

so either have append message ganador or move out errorenturno span out side of ganador. once message displayed there no longer element named errorenturno


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