Inserting in Binary Search Tree (C) using for loop -

i'm having trouble inserting in binary search tree using loop, when call inordertraversal function, there no output blank line, far think rest of code okay problem in insert function.

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h>  typedef struct binarytree{      int data;     struct binarytree *left;     struct binarytree *right; } node;  node* insert(node* head, int value) {     _bool flag = true;      for(node *temp = head; flag == true; (temp = (value >= temp->data)?(temp->right):(temp->left)))     {         if(temp == null)         {             temp = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node*));             temp->data = value;             temp->left = null;             temp->right = null;             flag = false;         }     }      return head; }  void inordertraversal(node* head) {     if(head == null)     {         return;     }      inordertraversal(head->left);     printf("%d ",head->data);     inordertraversal(head->right); }  int main(void) {     node *head = null;      for(int = 0; < 40; i++)     {         head = insert(head,i);     }      inordertraversal(head);      return 0; } 

here try these changes in insert function

node* insert(node *head, int value) {      if(!head)                              //explicitly insert head if null     {         head = malloc(sizeof *head);         head->data = value;         head->left = null;         head->right = null;         return head;     }      for(node *temp = head,*temp2 = head; ;(temp = (value >= temp->data)?(temp->right):(temp->left)))     {         if(temp == null)         {             temp = malloc(sizeof *temp);             temp->data = value;             temp->left = null;             temp->right = null;              if(value >= temp2->data)  //update previous nodes left or right pointer accordingly                  temp2->right = temp;             else                 temp2->left = temp;              break;         }          temp2 = temp;      //use pointer store previous value of node     }      return head; } 


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