listview - JavaFX - Scroll on parent node -

i creating contact list in javafx. contact groups titledpane of accordion , content of each titledpane listview. accordion wrapped in scollpane.

each time titledpane expanded, resize height of accordion listview displayed without scollbar (as shown in code below). scroll bar can appear on accordion.

groupaccordion.expandedpaneproperty().addlistener(new changelistener<titledpane>() {     @override public void changed(observablevalue<? extends titledpane> property, final titledpane oldpane, final titledpane newpane) {         if (newpane != null) {             groupaccordion.setminheight(listviewfullsize);             groupaccordion.setmaxheight(listviewfullsize);         }     } }); 

here fxml:

<scrollpane fx:id="scrollpane" prefheight="-1.0" prefwidth="-1.0"  xmlns:fx="" xmlns=""  fx:controller="groupscontroller">   <content>     <accordion fx:id="groupaccordion" expandedpane="$null" minwidth="-1" prefheight="-1.0" prefwidth="-1.0" style="" />   </content>   <stylesheets>     <url value="@../resources/groups/groupsscreen.css" />   </stylesheets> </scrollpane> 

my problem when mouse cursor on listview (like on screenshot), scroll has not effect on accordion scoll bar (the scroll bar of scene). when cursor on accordion scroll works expected.


i tried setting scroll listener of listview, isn't called there no scroll bar.

how can make scroll works on parent nodes ?

thank you


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