iphone - Locking Orientation in Some Views? iOS 7 -

i have read countless answers , tried sooo many different things still cannot resolve problem.

i'll explain in simple manner, first describing story board layout.

my storyboard structure follows

  • uitabbarcontroller
    • uinavigationcontroller 1
      • uiviewcontoller 1
      • uiviewcontoller 2
      • uiviewcontoller 3
    • uinavigationcontroller 2
      • uiviewcontoller 4
      • uiviewcontoller 5

the above structure identical have.

now, do; lock all uiviewcontrollers (including uitableviewcontrollers) cannot rotate landscape, except uiviewcontroller 3 , uiviewcontroller 5 (look @ structure above see ones are). these 2 view controllers able viewed in both landscape , portrait, if user clicks 'back' on navigation bar whilst in landscape view, view controller automatically rotate portrait.

how able this?

additional info:

assume starting fresh slate , haven't written code try , solve problem. assume have not made class each view controller. thanks.

maybe solution offered here: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/featuredarticles/viewcontrollerpgforiphoneos/respondingtodeviceorientationchanges/respondingtodeviceorientationchanges.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/tp40007457-ch7-sw1

under "creating alternate landscape interface" section work you. in special cases, listen rotation notifications , present landscape versions there.


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