Cakephp Containable not working at all -

i have been banging head on wall on this. have model sku belongs model purchase. appmodel has $actas=array('containable') , $recursive=-1

inside skucontroller, when $this->sku->find('all', array('contain' => 'purchase')); don't purchase. have searched many old questions here , elsewhere on internet can't seem resolve this. check if containable behavior being loaded, edited containablebehavior.php in lib\cake\model\behavior make invalid php file didn't produce errors. heck wrong!!

here's sql debug:

select, sku.purchase_id, sku.item_id, sku.upc, sku.quantity_avail, sku.per_unit_price_amt, sku.do_not_delete, sku.created, sku.modified, (concat('sk',lpad(,8,'0'))) sku__idformatted sellble.skus sku 1 = 1 order desc

cakephp ver: 2.4.4

not sure if different across versions have specified contain within array , works fine me.

$this->sku->find('all', array('contain' => array('purchase'))); 

or mapping fields or conditions want:

$this->sku->find('all',      array('contain' => array(          'purchase' => array(              'fields' =>              'conditions' => array(          = 'somename'                   )              )          )      ) ); 


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