Rails: Can't access questions associated with answers? -

i error undefined method `question_answers_path' line of code @question.answers

i have answers belong_to question, questions has_many answers, , have added migration answers rails g migration add_question_id_to_answers question_id: integer

i've ran db:migrate, can't figure out why method undefined.


i render <%= @question.answers % , in answer file

<%= answer.answer %>

my answer migration add_question_id looks this

class addquestionidtoanswer < activerecord::migration   def change     add_column :answers, :question_id, :integer     add_index :answers, :question_id   end end 

my question looks

class question < activerecord::base   has_many :answers   attr_accessible :query, :text   validates :query, presence: true end 

my answer looks this

class answer < activerecord::base   has_many :comments, dependent: :destroy   belongs_to :question   attr_accessible :anonymous, :answer, :commenter, :votes end 

have defined route in config/routes.rb ? specifically, have nested answers inside questions?

something like:

resources :questions   resources :answers end 

you might try rake routes | grep answers command line see if route exists.

source: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html


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