angularjs - remove HTML element on click in Angular js -

this directive. display 1 div on body.

app.directive("autosuggest", function($rootscope) {       return {             scope: {               doneflag      : "=",               groupflag     : "=",               inviteesflag  : "=",               init: '&'             },             templateurl : "title.html",             link: function(scope, element, attrs) {                    }  }); 

and in title.html

<div class="showw">    <img id="hidedivonclick" src="ddd.png"/> </div> 

and include directive this

<div autosuggest="" done-flag="1" group-flag="1"  invitees-flag="1" selected-array="" ></div> 

so when click on image <div autosuggest="" done-flag="1" group-flag="1" invitees-flag="1" selected-array="" ></div> parts gets remove body. remove element in javascript. how achive in angularjs?

you can create directive, adds function remove html of element. can stick on ng-click. made fiddle here:

// in directive scope.remove = function() {     elt.html(''); }; // in dom <div remove-on-click ng-click="remove()">      remove me  </div> 

hope helped!


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