ruby on rails - RoR AngularJS, html.erb in views -

quick question, been searching can't find definite answer.

i'm not sure if i'm doing correctly, example in routes have .when('/something', {templateurl: 'something/in/public/folder/list.html.erb')

it works ruby code in html.erb isn't interpreted.

is how works, or missing ruby code able interpreted in templateurl.



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you can put static content in public folder, plain html, css, javascript, images. embedded ruby code wont executed.

.erb files go under app/views/ directory

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would make sense put angularjs view files in views directory? wasn't able link in angularjs. – pk1m feb 6 '14 @ 6:31
@pk1m have angular views in app/views – apneadiving feb 6 '14 @ 8:44

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