java - How to use the method printHand(Card[] hand) where "Card" is the name of a separate class -

i'm new java , i'm becoming overwhelmed assignment professor gave because don't understand how use classes , methods predesignated assignment.

what need provide in method main in order use method:

public static void printhand(card[] hand) 

where card name of separate class? if give me quick explanation of question, grateful.

this card class if answering question:

public class card {      // constants representing suits     public final static int clubs = 0;     public final static int hearts = 1;     public final static int spades = 2;     public final static int diamonds = 3;      // constants representing values of     // ace, jack, queen, , king.     public final static int ace = 1;     public final static int jack = 11;     public final static int queen = 12;     public final static int king = 13;      // final keep them being changed     // after cards constructed.     private final int value;     private final int suit;      /**      * constructs card specified suit , value.      *       * @param value      *            value of card. 2 through 10 used specify      *            cards corresponding values, , constants exist      *            specifying ace, jack, queen, , king      * @param suit      *            suit of card. use 1 of card.clubs, card.hearts,      *            card.spades, or      */     public card(int value, int suit) {         if (value < ace || value > king) {             throw new illegalargumentexception("illegal card value: " + value);         }         if (suit < clubs || suit > diamonds) {             throw new illegalargumentexception("illegal card suit: " + suit);         }          this.value = value;         this.suit = suit;     }      /**      * constructs new card same value , suit original.      * @param original card copied      */     public card(card original) {         this(original.value, original.suit);     }      /**      * gets card's suit.      *       * @return suit of card      */     public int getsuit() {         return suit;     }      /**      * gets card's value      *       * @return value of card      */     public int getvalue() {         return value;     }      /**      * gets letter representing suit      *       * @return single letter, either "c", "h", "s", or "d", representing      *         clubs, hearts, spades, , diamonds respectively      */     private string getsuitstring() {         return "" + "chsd".charat(suit);     }      /**      * gets one- or two-character string representing value      *       * @return either "2" through "10" or "a", "j", "q", or "k"      */     private string getvaluestring() {         return "a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10j q k ".substring(2 * (value - 1), 2 * value).trim();     }      /**      * returns whether 2 cards have same suit , value      *       * @param other      *            other object compared      * @return true if other object card same suit , value      *         card      */     public boolean equals(object other) {         if (!(other instanceof card))             return false;         if (this == other) {             return true;         }          card = (card) other;          return this.suit == that.suit && this.value == that.value;     }      /**      * returns string representation of card, combining value ,      * suit (see getvaluestring() , getsuitstring)      *       * @return 2- or 3-character representation of card (such "jd"      *         jack of diamonds, or "10h" 10 of hearts      */     public string tostring() {         return getvaluestring() + getsuitstring();     } } 

you use tostring method in card class wich returns string


public class main {      public static void main(string[] args) {         // todo auto-generated method stub          card[] myhand = new card[3];          //king of spades         myhand[0] = new card(card.king, card.spades);         //ace of spades         myhand[1] = new card(card.ace, card.spades);         //two of hearts         myhand[2] = new card(2, card.hearts);          printhand(myhand);     }      public static void printhand(card[] hand) {          system.out.println("the hand concists of following cards");          for(card card : hand) {              system.out.println(card.tostring());         }     }  } 


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