Python... Hide widget upon menu option selection - Tkinter -
working tkinter, trying make label disappear , appear in place when specific option selected menuoption(). can accomplish without need of "refresh" button?
updated sample of code:
mgui = tk() mgui.geometry('570x130+700+200') mgui.resizable(width = false, height = false) mgui.title('title') mylist = ['henry', 'tom', 'phil'] somevalue = stringvar() mlabel = label(text = 'name: ').grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = e) somemenu = optionmenu(mgui, somevalue, *mylist) somemenu.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = w) somemenu.config(width = 14, anchor = w) mgui.mainloop()
so, if somemenu.get() == 'tom' want hide mlabel...
so i've added following:
def something(): print somevalue.get() mylist = ['henry', 'tom', 'phil'] somevalue = stringvar() somevalue.trace('w', something)
and getting typeerror: 'nonetype' object not callable.. hmmmmm
you can put trace on somevalue
, can call function whenever value changes. in function can want, including removing widgets.
this website has example:
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