Plot A Confusion Matrix with Color and Frequency in R -
i want plot confusion matrix, but, don't want use heatmap, because think give poor numerical resolution. instead, want plot frequency in middle of square. instance, output of this: library(mlearning); data("glass", package = "mlbench") glass$type <- as.factor(paste("glass", glass$type)) summary(glasslvq <- mllvq(type ~ ., data = glass)); (glassconf <- confusion(predict(glasslvq, glass, type = "class"), glass$type)) plot(glassconf) # image default however, 1.) don't understand "01, 02, etc" means along each axis. how can rid of that? 2.) 'predicted' label of 'y' dimension, , 'actual' label 'x' dimension 3.) replace absolute counts frequency / probability. alternatively, there package this? in essence, want in r: or: