ios - Choose current annotation -

i receive list of coordinates , insert on map. got new coordinates , want move pins code:

            [uiview animatewithduration:4.0 delay:0.0 options:uiviewanimationcurveeasein animations:^{              [oldcoordinate setcoordinate:newcoordinate.coordinate];         }completion:^(bool finished) {          }];  

i loop code every new coordinate can not move because can not control it. if use array got, example

 [myarray objectatindex:[indexpath row]];  

and recieve array work. how can take find current annotation on map ? (annotation on map, , new coordinates have)

to current annotations on map loop this:

mkmapview * map = [[mkmapview alloc]initwithframe:self.view.frame];  (mkpointannotation * annotation in [map annotations]) {     //change annotation coordinate new coordinate } 


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