class - How to set the central widget of existing MainWidnow in Python PyQt4? -

i have code consists of 3 classes. classes widget1 , widget2 inherit qframe class , consists of several lineedit , combobox user enter information.

so, want is: when program launched, firstly bring qmainwindow class widget1 set central widget.

the widget1 has check function connected button on it. check button check whether condition true based on data entered user on page.

if condition true. want widget2 set central wiget of mainwindow replace existing central widget, widget1.

my question is, how set widget2 central widget of existing mainwidnow class instance?

this format of code:

class widget1(qtgui.qframe):     def __init__(self,parent = none):         ......         ......      def check(self):        if (condition):            #set widget2 central widget on mainwindow  class widget2(qtgui.qframe):     def __int__(self,parent = none):         .....         .....  class mainwindow(qtgui.qmainwindow):     def __init__(self,parent = none):         qtgui.qmainwindow.__init__(self,parent)         ....         mywidgetone = widget1()         self.setcentralwidget(mywidgetone)  if __name__ == '__main__':     app = qtgui.qapplicaiton(sys.argv)     main = mainwindow()     app.exec_() 

i'd following mainwindow:

class mainwindow(qtgui.qmainwindow):     def __init__(self,parent = none):         qtgui.qmainwindow.__init__(self,parent)         ....         self.setmycentral(widget1)      def setmycentral(self, widgetclass):         mywidget = widgetclass(self)         self.setcentralwidget(mywidget) 

and then, in widget1:

def check(self):    if (condition):        self.parent().setmycentral(widget2) 

now, please, follow conventions: classes start in capital letters (widget1, widget2) , methods don't (check instead of check)


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