javascript - Receive a complex object from jquery in mvc controller -

i trying submit object form mvc controller. here js:

<script>     function submitform() {     var usersroles = new array;     jquery("#dualselectroles2 option").each(function () {         usersroles.push(jquery(this).val());     });     var model = new object();     model.user = jquery('#selectuser').val();     model.roleslist = usersroles;     console.log('model: ' + 'user: ' + model.user + 'roles: ' + model.roleslist);     console.log('json: ' + json.stringify(model));     jquery.ajax({         type: "post",         url: "@url.action("         adduser ")",         datatype: "json",         //data: { model: json.stringify(usersroles) },         data: {             model: json.stringify(model)         },         success: function (data) {             alert(data);         },         failure: function (errmsg) {             alert(errmsg);         }     }); } 

now fetches al necessary info , builds object "model" , posts controller.

here view model:

//for receiving form public class submituserrolesviewmodel {     public string userid { get; set; }      public list<string> roleslist { get; set; } } 

here controller:

 //post/ roles/adduser     [httppost]            public actionresult adduser(strsubmituserrolesviewmodel model)     {         if (model != null)         {                        return json("success");         }         else         {             return json("an error has occoured");         }     } 

how can receive json object in controller? model null when post executed jquery. means not binding correctly. sure there small wrong here.

could please point out going wrong.

jquery.ajax({         type: "post",         url: "@url.action("adduser")",         contenttype: "application/json",         data: json.stringify(model),         success: function (data) { alert(data); },         error: function (errmsg) {             alert(errmsg);         }     }); 


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