
Showing posts from April, 2015

networking - Raspberry Pi server w/out port forwarding -

i remote pi outside home network. problem apartment provides me wireless internet , can't access router enable port-forwarding. there way around this? dynamic dns service perhaps? i use vnc ssh and/or ftp. i use team viewer remote station behind nat without activating port forwarding in situation. need create account on team viewer application, , register target station's team viewer account. when away, please make sure open target station's team viewer , able remote target station first login team viewer account. once logged in have list of target station have registered. double click 1 of list , can remote target station. vnc or ssh not able work behind nat without activating port forwarding because router try open it's own port instead of target station.

jquery - Knockout JS Checkbox binding -

i having issue checkbox binding , computed observable while jquery in page. self.guaranteed = ko.computed(function() { var result; result = self.isguaranteed() && (self.isallowed() || self.isallowed2()); console.log("evaluated"); if (result) { self.isguaranteed(false); } return result; }, self); jsfiddle of runnable code so expected behavior when don't include jquery in page, when jquery on page, dependencies not correctly registered in computed observable , guaranteed checkbox never uncheck when condition met. conditional text may or may not show up, depending on if computed recalculates. can't rid of jquery form page unfortunately, other ideas? edit: this same example above expected behavior, no jquery loaded: working jfiddle also, here lines in knockout resetting checkbox back: // click events on checkboxes, jquery interferes event handling in awkward way: // toggles element checked state *after* click eve

ruby - How does fragment & ActiveRecord or SQL caching work in Rails 4? -

alright, have basic cms in works & liked try hand @ caching set of dynamically generated navigation links. in pages_controller , have following action toggle page's visibility, query create @nav_links variable based on pages visible before_filter :nav_links, only: [:index, :new, :show, :edit] def toggle @visibility = @page.visible? ? false : true unless @page.update_attribute(:visible, @visibility) flash[:alert] = "uh oh! looks went wrong." end expire_fragment "nav" end def nav_links @nav_links = {} groups = pagegroup.order("id") groups.each |group| if group.visible? @nav_links[] = group.pages.where(visible: true) end end end in view, i've wrapped section of page pertaining @nav_links <% cache "nav" %>...<% end %> . question, happens when 1 of these actions called? does rails still execute before_filter, query database, & re-populate @nav_links hash per

c# - Front End Dev in Asp.NET MVC? -

so started working in new environment. microsoft shop uses mvc 4 on of projects. i'm coming mac/linux/open source environment worked on front-end exclusively. i'm having hard time working in .net environment few reasons, 1 being mvc new me. feel fix issues need have full stack skills too. i've looked around mvc books of them expect know bit of c#. have no interest in learning c# though. can myself work more in environment? firstly , best resources people around you. understand not framework way business using it. in framework there myriad of ways something, may not best way, way have chosen. books great if want general understanding before start, once in there fastest way use people around you. questions, lots of questions, make sure know aren't incompetent, want learn. secondly , if don't want learn c# in trouble, (even doing front end only) require knowledge of c#. pages .cshtml reason because amalgamate c# , h

Apache on Windows -

i want install apache server on windows. book says can go official site , download latest apache version (book year 2008, , in example showed 2.2.9v, , example how install on windows, not linux). go address, , there latest version 2.4.7, .tar.bz2 , .tar.gz extension, , how understand difficult install cause on linux, windows must .msi, there no file extension, 2.0.65 version , older. understand in linux maybe appear earlier apache version, how it's real in 2008 year, there 2.2.9 version, in 2014 latest .msi version 2.0.65 ? easy! here go: you'll find latest apache http server's there pre-built (binaries). edit: not provided in .msi files apache can unzip files c:\apache2 , set manually, true developer!

if statement - PHP operators problems -

i building php script. 1 form min_salary , max_salary . trying both of them string in salary variable $salary = "min_salary max_salary"; if min salary not specified should set 0 , if max salary not specified should set * . i have written below code not getting when either of fields not provided. $salary = (isset($data['min_salary']) ? $data['min_salary'] : 0) .' '. (isset($data['max_salary']) ? $data['max_salary']:'*'); also don't want use if else statements. this line produce code without using if/else statements (even though ternery operator syntactic sugar around if/else statements) $salary = max(0,$data['min_salary']) . ' ' . ($data['max_salary'] > 0 ? $data['max_salary'] : '*'); you don't want same scripting both values 1 should fallback 0 , other * . problem isset() : (isset($data['min_salary']) ? $data['min_salary'] : 0) i

c# - need to view image in image viewer control in -

i read path of image file data base ineed view in image viewer when try image viewer empty path of image stored in db ("e:\media viewer project") don't know steps should or can ......... <%@ page language="c#" autoeventwireup="true" codefile="images.aspx.cs" inherits="images" %> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server"> <title></title> <style type="text/css"> .style6 { text-align: left; height: 61px; } .style7 { height: 274px; text-align: left; } .style8 { text-align: center; height: 42px; font-family: "arial black";

c - Regarding struct hack using int type -

can struct hack(using int type) below struct node{ int i; struct node *next; int p[0]; } int main(){ struct node *n = // correct hack i.e. p[10]? malloc(sizeof(struct node) + sizeof(int) * 10); } also using int type size 1 struct node{ int i; struct node *next; int p[1]; } int main(){ struct node *n = // correct hack i.e. p[10]? malloc(sizeof(struct node) + sizeof(int) * 10); } the former struct hack used in c89. validity of construct has been questionable. the latter gnu struct hack, makes use of gnu extension , not valid c. the correct way have structures size vary @ run time use c99 flexible array member feature. struct node{ int i; struct node *next; int p[]; } int main(void) { struct node *n = malloc(sizeof (struct node) + sizeof (int) * 10); }

matlab - how to find negative and positive number from a string? -

i've set of chemical reactions, , need read first number of each chemical. example, i've string as reaction = '-1.0cdcl2(aq) 1.0cd++ 2.0cl-'; i want find -1.0 of cdcl2(aq), 1.0 of cd++, , 2.0 of cl-. textscan works here (assuming white-space delimiting reactants): >> c = textscan(reaction,'%f%s') c = [3x1 double] {3x1 cell} >> c{1}' %' decimals not shown ans = -1 1 2 >> c{2} ans = 'cdcl2(aq)' 'cd++' 'cl-' also assuming reaction starts number.

javascript - Why does angularFire $add(user) method adds the same record twice ? How to keep firebase records unique? -

i dont want angularfire keep adding duplicate records, how can make add user once , if user data has been added database not add same user again. i have button that: <a class="btn btn-block btn-lg btn-success" href="#" ng-hide="auth.user" ng-click="auth.$login('persona')"><span><i class="fa fa-user fa-lg"></i></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;login <strong>persona</strong></a> and controller has: var ref = new firebase(""); $scope.auth = $firebasesimplelogin(ref); var users = new firebase(""); $scope.udata = $firebase(users); $scope.auth.$login('persona').then(function(user){ var usersarray = orderbypriorityfilter($scope.udata); if (_.contains((_.pluck(usersarray, 'uid'

node.js - KrakenJS: perform POST request over a controller ends with error -

i'm using krakenjs build web app. being mvc, i'm implenting rest service controller, here's sample code: //users can data app.get('myroute', function (req, res) { readdata(); }); //users can send data'myroute', function (req, res) { writedata(); }); i can read data no problems. when try dummy data insertion post requests, ends error: error:forbidden - - [thu, 06 feb 2014 00:11:30 gmt] "post /myroute http/1.1" 500 374 "-" "mozilla/5.0 (x11; linux x86_64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, gecko) ubuntu chromium/32.0.1700.102 chrome/32.0.1700.102 safari/537.36" how can overcome this? one thing make sure you're sending correct csrf headers ( ). if remember correctly, default kraken expects headers specified. you can disable csrf , see if fixes problem. since kraken uses lusca module csrf, can information on how disable/configure here: https://githu

javascript - Swap div Elements Depending on the Scroll Position -

i have jq fades in div when scroll position between x , y (percentage of total). trying fade in pair of divs (about_me_menu_left , about_me_menu_right) when scroll position between 1000px , 2000px. when scrolled passed 2000px 3000px divs should change (gallery_menu_left , gallery_menu_right) , when scrolling between 3000px , bottom of site divs (contact_menu_left , contact_menu_right) should appear. each set of have fixed position @ top of screen , scroll on paid swapped another. have , first 2 sets work last paid not. if can point me in right direction on going wrong great. script 6x 1 found somewhere 1 after other far know problem, sorry new javascript. javascript: $(document).ready(function(){ $(window).scroll(function(){ // height of #centeredcontent var h = $('#centeredcontent').height(); var y = $(window).scrolltop(); if( y > (h*.210448314190441) && y < (h*.420896628380882) ){ // if show keyboardtips $("#about_me_menu_le

python - How do I get logger to delete existing log file before writing to it again? -

using configuration below, logfile called 'test-debug.log' , grow infinitely everytime run script. want logfile contain log records recent run of script. log should deleted before starting again. how do that? logger = logging.getlogger('test') #create log same name script created logger.setlevel('debug') #create handlers , set logging level filehandler_dbg = logging.filehandler( + '-debug.log') filehandler_dbg.setlevel('debug') #create custom formats of logrecord fit both logfile , console streamformatter = logging.formatter(fmt='%(levelname)s:\t%(threadname)s:\t%(funcname)s:\t\t%(message)s', datefmt='%h:%m:%s') #we want see parts of message #apply formatters handlers filehandler_dbg.setformatter(streamformatter) #add handlers logger logger.addhandler(filehandler_dbg) try this: filehandler_dbg = logging.filehandler( + '-debug.log', mode='w') to open filename in wr

excel - how to split multiple values in a cell and link to checkboxes in userform -

hi have following code searches surname , returns values in textbox. want checkboxes checkmark depending on column 6 (f.offset(0,5)). when use code below, it's not picking multiple values in cell in column 6. can pick first one. how can fix this? private sub search_click() dim name string dim f range dim r long dim ws worksheet dim s integer dim firstaddress string dim str() string name = surname.value ws set f = range("a:a").find(what:=name, lookin:=xlvalues) if not f nothing me firstname.value = f.offset(0, 1).value tod.value = f.offset(0, 2).value program.value = f.offset(0, 3).value email.value = f.offset(0, 4).text officenumber.value = f.offset(0, 6).text cellnumber.value = f.offset(0, 7).text str() = split(f.offset(0, 5), " ") = 0 ubound(str) select case ucase(trim(str(i))) case "pact": pact.value = true case "princerupert": princerupert.value = true case "montreal": montreal.value = t

php - output string name of the class with the namespace -

namespace modules\quiz\model\quiz\valueobjects; class quizvo { } is there programatic way retrieve string name of class along package name. for instance (please note, class using quizvo in different namespace) use modules\quiz\model\quiz\valueobjects\quizvo; $statement->setfetchmode(\pdo::fetch_class, quizvo::class); //need class package name here instead of $statement->setfetchmode(\pdo::fetch_class, 'modules\quiz\model\quiz\valueobjects\quizvo'); this possibly of php 5.5 in same way proposed it: classname::class before php 5.5 you'll need create object of wanted class , use get_class

c# - VOID Pointer for C DLL written in CTYPES -

i attempting convert c# program python. dll wrapped in c, , have been able use ctypes on functions having issues 2 remaining functions, similar. the function long setme(long dev, byte length, structure_settings structuresettings, void* data, dword datasize); parameters dev - input length - input structuresettings - input data - ouput datasize - input i able run function , dll respond not return values. how should deal void pointer return? want stay in ctypes realm. here code dump structure information class structure_settings(structure): _fields_ = [ ('t', c_byte), ('c', c_byte), ('i', c_byte), ('reserve', c_byte), ('dev1', c_byte), ('dev2', c_byte), ('dev3', c_byte), ('dev4', c_byte)] main code.... dev = 0 length = 1 datasize=4 data = ctypes.c_uint * datasize datapointer = data() structuresettings = structure_settings() structuresettings.t = 0x01 structuresettings.c = 0x0 structuresettings.i = 0x4 s

jquery - No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource CORS -

i making cross-domain request , options request made browser comes right header: { "name": "access-control-allow-origin", "value": "*" } but still post request gets rejected browser. $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'put', headers: { "authorization": token }, success: function (resp) { } });

c++ - Video from 2 cameras (for Stereo Vision) using OpenCV, but one of them is lagging -

i'm trying create stereo vision using 2 logitech c310 webcams. result not enough. 1 of videos lagging compared other one. here opencv program using vc++ 2010: #include <opencv\cv.h> #include <opencv\highgui.h> #include <iostream> using namespace cv; using namespace std; int main() { try { videocapture cap1; videocapture cap2;; cap1.set(cv_cap_prop_frame_width, 1040.0); cap1.set(cv_cap_prop_frame_height, 920.0);; cap2.set(cv_cap_prop_frame_width, 1040.0); cap2.set(cv_cap_prop_frame_height, 920.0); mat frame,frame1; (;;) { mat frame; cap1 >> frame; mat frame1; cap2 >> frame1; transpose(frame, frame); flip(frame, frame, 1); transpose(frame1, frame1); flip(frame1, frame1, 1); imshow("img1", frame);

collections - What causes the ClassCastException: java.util.TreeSet cannot be cast to java.lang.Comparable? -

so i'm trying move strings of length collection of strings (could either set or list) treemap , setting set of characters in each string key string line map.put(keyringer(word), word); throws java.lang.classcastexception: java.util.treeset cannot cast java.lang.comparable map<set<character>, string> map = new treemap<set<character>, string>(); (string words : words) { if (word.length() == length) { map.put(keyringer(word), word); } } this keyring method in case you're curious. private set<character> keyringer(string current) { set<character> keyring = new treeset<character>(); (int = 0; < current.length(); i++) { char key = current.charat(i); keyring.add(key); } return keyring; } so question can avoid this? i've read need comparator or implement comparable don't know how that, , think there might simpler solution (although perhaps not efficient). you'll notice java

How to set up unit tests for Android / Gradle -

after having read android guide on testing android gradle plugin, wanted set junit tests pojo's don't run instrumented tests. idea tests code doesn't depend on android should fast (and facilitate tdd). is there standard way set source set , task in build.gradle accomplish this? main question, secondary question what's wrong attempt below... i'm using android studio 0.4.2 , gradle 1.9, experimenting simple junit test class in new "test" folder. here have far, when run "gradle testpojo" result: :android:assemble up-to-date :android:compileunittestjava up-to-date :android:processunittestresources up-to-date :android:unittestclasses up-to-date :android:testpojo failed * went wrong: execution failed task ':android:testpojo'. > failed read class file /path/to/project/android-app/build/classes/unittest/testclass.class i verified class in fact there, i'm confused why task not able read file. here build.gradle file: ...

screen - How to zoom in display of device for android? -

i want zoom in display of device without rooting. for example.. zoom in home screen. is way exist? this question inappropriate it's not programming question. want magnification gestures . included android 4.1 may not included manufacturers.

bash - Deleting two characters from printf? -

using gnu find 4.4.2; confused @ how backspace .\ filename: find -name '*' -fprintf foobar "\b\b%h%f\n" how meant this? backspacing purely cosmetic issue in terminal , not delete characters data. find prints ./ because implicitly ask search . (by not providing path). you can use find -printf '%p\n' print path without search path. you can use find * , since makes search each (non-hidden) file in directory instead of directory itself. as funny aside, here's how you'd literally asked for: -printf '%h/\b\b%p\n' # not use! read context! this translates "print search path ( . ) , slash. print 2 backspaces make terminal hide them, , make programs consuming output choke. print path want." obviously better simplified "print path want", i.e. -printf '%p\n'

php - Laravel - Redirect from custom class -

how can redirect application specific url custom class? let's have custom class api in laravel application: class api { private function generic_request( $uri ) { $response = $this->getresponse($uri); if($response == 'bad_token') { //redirect login screen message } } in controller function: public function add_employee() { $data['employee_positions'] = api::generic_request('/employees/position_list'); $this->layout->content = view::make('employees.add_employee')->with($data); } i've tried events , can't redirect event listener. right i'm using exceptions feel it's wrong approach. example: app::abort(401); and in global.php : app::error(function(exception $exception, $code) { /*core api exceptions*/ if($code == 401) { session::put('message','system action: expired token'); return redirect::to(

plot - Using gradient displays for histograms in r -

i have dataset (n = 9,141,954) looks this data<-c(rep(1, times=401),rep(2,times=443789),rep(3,times=5276376),rep (4,times=3003895),rep(5,times=404108),rep(6,times=13181),rep(7,times=205)) which histogram looks this: hist(data,prob=t,breaks=5) from left right, want display colours "darkgreen" "chartreuse4" "yellowgreen" "yellow" "orange2" "red" , "red3" which know can using col=c("darkgreen","chartreuse4", ....etc), display these colours gradient across histogram, weighted relative contribution of each of values dataset. example, value = 1 makes 0.004% of cell values (401/9141954*100), , value = 4 makes 32.9% of data. therefore, gradient display have 0.004% assoicated "darkgreen" 32.9% associated "yellow", , on rest of values/colours. does know how can done??? something this? res <- hist(data,breaks=5) plot(res) cols <-c("darkgreen&qu

rotation - how do i enable auto rotate again in android after triggering the on click from button? -

i create sample apps triger fullscreen button , auto rotatation enabled triger fullscreen, after using auto rotate , if use button triger orientation change, after click button activity canot auto rotation again changing orientation, button can changed modes, auto rotation cannot used anymore. how fixed this? is normal? button resize public void clickresize(view view) { setrequestedorientation(activityinfo.screen_orientation_portrait); } button fullscreen public void clickfullscreen(view view) { setrequestedorientation(activityinfo.screen_orientation_landscape); } methods addflags, clearflags , configurationchanged() private void onfullscreen() { window.addflags(windowmanager.layoutparams.flag_fullscreen); window.clearflags(windowmanager.layoutparams.flag_force_not_fullscreen); } private void offfullscreen() { window.addflags(windowmanager.layoutparams.flag_force_not_fullscreen); window.clearflags(windowmanager.layoutparams.f

Display PHP Session Time Out With Javascript Time Counter -

i want create page can display php session using javascript, when reload page again, time fixed @ run time , not shown beginning again ... i looking script in forums or blogs nothing fits want. every time reload page again, time @ beginning again. how make it? ask @ .. beg of you thanks. it's kind of unclear you're asking here. might want break down more , add examples of you're getting , want differently. can't php variable javascript -- doesn't work way. way 2 can interact if php renders variable html element javascript picks (after page has loaded) or via ajax json. in latter, can tell javascript go run php script, output session in json, return page javascript can mess it. hope helps.

Python built-in type as function parameter -

this question has answer here: can use variable name “type” function argument in python? 5 answers i've decided coding exercises @ , right in first exercise (reverse string) found this: def firstreverse(str): even though works, don't think it's idea use built-in type name parameter. think? know it's kinda silly, it's first question @ stackoverflow! =) in function definition, str supposed string , not built-in function str() . when this, overwriting built-in function, won't able call str() inside function f , can still using outside. because scoping, overwriting in local scope of f : def f(str): print str(123) # raise error, because 'str' not callable (i.e. function) anymore f("some string here") print str(123) # ok this common mistake, sooner learn avoid it, sooner become programmer.

How does a WCF channel work? -

i think i'm missing conceptual , fundamental wcf channels. how there's channel stack of protocols on either side going top level tcp or http down wire-level transport protocol. what don't means "open" channel , how channel stays "open" , how channel "faulted". what happening on client , service makes channel "open"? open seems sate it's hard me conceptualize state in stateless service. make sense? your service may stateless, many networking protocols not. from understanding state changes state machines , channels objects deal communication, example sockets, present state machine state transitions relate allocating network resources, making or accepting connections, closing connections , terminating communication. channel state machine provides uniform model of states of communication object abstracts underlying implementation of object. icommunicationobject interface provides set of stat

php - Adding a table row line on Smarty XML template -

i'm working on smarty xml template , want add line after each table row. css styles don't work on xml template. appreciated. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!doctype menu [ <!entity lt "&#38;#60;"> <!entity gt "&#62;"> <!entity amp "&#38;#38;"> <!entity apos "&#39;"> <!entity quot "&#34;"> ]> <report> <orientation>landscape</orientation> <body> <p fontsize="+5" fontstyle="bold">{$account}</p> <p fontsize="+3">report</p> <p></p> <p fontsize="+5" fontstyle="bold">{$title}</p> <p fontsize="+2">{$date}</p> <p></p> <table> <tr> {foreach from=$columns item=column} <th fontstyle="bold"

ruby - Injecting custom callback in rails 3 -

i have custom module sets hash stored in sql. part of rolls own _changed accessor. module myawesomecustommodule extend activesupport::concern included after_save: wipe_preferences_changed end module classmethods def blah end etc end end and in model: class mymodel < activerecord::base include myawesomecustommodule after_save :something_that_expects_preferences_changed_to_be_available blah end unfortunately, after_save defined in custom module runs before 1 defined in model. there way array of callbacks , append it? there way write custom after_after_save callback? there way specify priority/ordering of after_save callbacks? what way resolve race condition? in spite of order of model callbacks, current design makes module , class coupled. to solve current problem improve design, can define expected callback in module's method, , class includes module free respond or not. module myawesomecustommodule

objective c - Link Between View Controllers in Subprojects -

i have main project storyboard , have subproject doesn't have storyboard. want have button on storyboard of main project when tapped takes main view controller of subproject. provide guidance this? you should able import file created in subproject in main project using #import <subprojectname/file.h> if doesn´t work means have not setted correclty. make sure marked static library in settings. here explanation:

function - How do I stop my switch statement from outputting the case in Matlab -

i trying write function can accomplish 3 tasks using menu statement in matlab, reason keeps outputting case number function answer. function fcn=jon2(x) fcn=menu('choose function:','ceil','round','sign'); switch fcn case 1 ceil(x) case 2 round(x) case 3 sign(x) end end when input 12 , select round, answers come out: ans = 12 ans = 2 you need use function properly, if defined as: fcn=jon2(x) should write each output using it: ... case 2 fcn = round(x); ... also, use ; suppress output command line...

java - How can a string accept an integer? -

can variable string accept integer value well. or can concat integer string ? example: public class teststring1 { public static void main(string[] args) { string str = "420"; str += 42; system.out.print(str); } } i expecting compilation error on here because string getting concatenated integer. jls documentation on string concatination operator( + )- 15.18.1 string concatenation operator + if 1 operand expression of type string, string conversion performed on other operand produce string @ run time. result reference string object (newly created, unless expression compile-time constant expression (§15.28))that concatenation of 2 operand strings. characters of left-hand operand precede characters of right-hand operand in newly created string. if operand of type string null, string "null" used instead of operand that why string + int not produce error. , prints 42042

c# - Reading checkbox value in Table inside Panel inside Panel -

i having problem in finding table created in design time 1 row , 2 columns added more rows , columns dynamically label , checkboxes unique ids. when want save checkbox values, cannot find table using id assigned @ design time. got outer panel , id inside panel when try table first , control inside panel got null .controls = 5 panel , none of table type, literals. <asp:fspanel runat="server" id="pnldealership" ispopup="true" popupbehaviorid="mpedealership" style="display: none; z-index: 1000"> <asp:fspanel runat="server" id="pnldatafeed"> <table id="tbldatafeed" border="1" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="tdpadding"> <tr class="gridheader"> <td align="center" > <asp:l

css - Text present inside this particualr div should be marquee -

#player #title{ left: 90px; width: 200px; overflow: hidden; } text present inside particular div (#title) should marquee. there should no changes in html (only java script allowed ). how proceed? kindly out ... if text known , never change, use css3: transition , text-shadow , make slide text-indent, example: p { text-shadow:35em 0 0;/* equal length of text */ width:15em; white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden; animation: marqueeme 3s infinite; margin:auto; background:yellow; border:solid red; } @keyframes marqueeme { {text-indent:-35em; } <p>pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p> see , test : you need use em values match text-size, may need, well, reset letter-spacing. can break if text change or fonts.

ruby on rails - RoR AngularJS, html.erb in views -

quick question, been searching can't find definite answer. i'm not sure if i'm doing correctly, example in routes have .when('/something', {templateurl: 'something/in/public/folder/list.html.erb') it works ruby code in html.erb isn't interpreted. is how works, or missing ruby code able interpreted in templateurl. shows thanks ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 angularjs share | improve question asked feb 6 '14 @ 5:49 pk1m 156 1 10 add comment  |