php - Adding a table row line on Smarty XML template -

i'm working on smarty xml template , want add line after each table row. css styles don't work on xml template. appreciated.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!doctype menu [ <!entity lt     "&#38;#60;">  <!entity gt     "&#62;">  <!entity amp    "&#38;#38;">  <!entity apos   "&#39;">  <!entity quot   "&#34;">  ]> <report> <orientation>landscape</orientation> <body>     <p fontsize="+5" fontstyle="bold">{$account}</p>     <p fontsize="+3">report</p>     <p></p>     <p fontsize="+5" fontstyle="bold">{$title}</p>     <p fontsize="+2">{$date}</p>     <p></p>     <table>         <tr>             {foreach from=$columns item=column}             <th fontstyle="bold">{$column}</th>             {/foreach}         </tr>         {foreach from=$rows item=row}         <tr>             {foreach from=$columns item=column key=col_index}             <td>{if isset($row[$col_index])}{$row[$col_index]}     {else}              {/if}   </td>             {/foreach}         </tr>         {/foreach}     </table> </body>     </report> 

yes that's because css build html, use style sheets xml need read little xsl


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