c++ - CreateProcess() From Memory Buffer Doesn't Work On Windows 7 -

i searching awhile how read exe memory , execute directly memory. i've passed answer useful createprocess memory buffer.

fortunately i've found code implementing mentioned idea. after tweaking got work.

#include <windows.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h>  void runfrommemory(unsigned char* pimage,char* ppath) {     dword dwwritten = 0;     dword dwheader = 0;      dword dwimagesize = 0;     dword dwsectioncount = 0;     dword dwsectionsize = 0;     dword firstsection = 0;     dword previousprotection = 0;     dword jmpsize = 0;      image_nt_headers inh;     image_dos_header idh;     image_section_header sections[1000];      process_information peprocessinformation;     startupinfo pestartupinformation;     context pcontext;     security_attributes secattrib;      char* pmemory;     char* pfile;     memcpy(&idh,pimage,sizeof(idh));     memcpy(&inh,(void*)((dword)pimage+idh.e_lfanew),sizeof(inh));      dwimagesize = inh.optionalheader.sizeofimage;     pmemory = (char*)malloc(dwimagesize);     memset(pmemory,0,dwimagesize);     pfile = pmemory;      dwheader = inh.optionalheader.sizeofheaders;     firstsection = (dword)(((dword)pimage+idh.e_lfanew) + sizeof(image_nt_headers));     memcpy(sections,(char*)(firstsection),sizeof(image_section_header)*inh.fileheader.numberofsections);      memcpy(pfile,pimage,dwheader);      if((inh.optionalheader.sizeofheaders % inh.optionalheader.sectionalignment)==0)     {         jmpsize = inh.optionalheader.sizeofheaders;     }     else     {         jmpsize = inh.optionalheader.sizeofheaders / inh.optionalheader.sectionalignment;         jmpsize += 1;         jmpsize *= inh.optionalheader.sectionalignment;     }      pfile = (char*)((dword)pfile + jmpsize);      for(dwsectioncount = 0; dwsectioncount < inh.fileheader.numberofsections; dwsectioncount++)     {         jmpsize = 0;         dwsectionsize = sections[dwsectioncount].sizeofrawdata;         memcpy(pfile,(char*)(pimage + sections[dwsectioncount].pointertorawdata),dwsectionsize);          if((sections[dwsectioncount].misc.virtualsize % inh.optionalheader.sectionalignment)==0)         {             jmpsize = sections[dwsectioncount].misc.virtualsize;         }         else         {             jmpsize = sections[dwsectioncount].misc.virtualsize / inh.optionalheader.sectionalignment;             jmpsize += 1;             jmpsize *= inh.optionalheader.sectionalignment;         }         pfile = (char*)((dword)pfile + jmpsize);     }       memset(&pestartupinformation,0,sizeof(startupinfo));     memset(&peprocessinformation,0,sizeof(process_information));     memset(&pcontext,0,sizeof(context));      pestartupinformation.cb = sizeof(pestartupinformation);     if(createprocess(null,ppath,null,null,false,create_suspended, null,null,&pestartupinformation,&peprocessinformation))     {          pcontext.contextflags = context_full;         getthreadcontext(peprocessinformation.hthread,&pcontext);         virtualprotectex(peprocessinformation.hprocess,(void*)((dword)inh.optionalheader.imagebase),dwimagesize,page_execute_readwrite,&previousprotection);         writeprocessmemory(peprocessinformation.hprocess,(void*)((dword)inh.optionalheader.imagebase),pmemory,dwimagesize,&dwwritten);         writeprocessmemory(peprocessinformation.hprocess,(void*)((dword)pcontext.ebx + 8),&inh.optionalheader.imagebase,4,&dwwritten);         pcontext.eax = inh.optionalheader.imagebase + inh.optionalheader.addressofentrypoint;         setthreadcontext(peprocessinformation.hthread,&pcontext);         virtualprotectex(peprocessinformation.hprocess,(void*)((dword)inh.optionalheader.imagebase),dwimagesize,previousprotection,0);         resumethread(peprocessinformation.hthread);      }     else{         // debugging         dword er = getlasterror();         dword x = er;     }     free(pmemory); }  int main() {     //*********** open file encrypt ************     char exe_path[] = "c:\\prog.exe";     file *infile = fopen(exe_path, "rb");     fseek(infile , 0 , seek_end);     unsigned long dwsize = ftell(infile);     rewind(infile);     unsigned char *lpmemory = (unsigned char*) malloc (sizeof(unsigned char)*dwsize);     fread(lpmemory,1,dwsize,infile);     fclose (infile);     //**********************************************       //********* execute ***********     runfrommemory(lpmemory,exe_path);       return 0; } 

i put sample program called prog.exe c drive , code reads memory , executes it. code works on windows xp can't work on windows 7 launches error message.

the application unable start correctly (0xc000000c). click ok close application. 

i don't reason may work correctly on windows xp not on windows 7. did windows 7 apply changes pe format or headers or ??

thanks in advance. , if test it, don't forget put sample exe c:\prog.exe or change path in code like.

this major hack, , should avoid doing it. if want start new process guaranteed way make work without issue launch executable resides in filesystem. else hack , can't rely on working in future.


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