PHP 5.5 php.ini - how configure to show all error messages -

i want made aware of php errors - below php.ini config this. advice on potential changes ensure i'm make aware of issues:

display_errors = on ;   default value: on ;   development value: on ;   production value: off  display_startup_errors = on ;   default value: off ;   development value: on ;   production value: off  error_reporting = e_all ;   default value: e_all & ~e_notice & ~e_strict & ~e_deprecated ;   development value: e_all ;   production value: e_all & ~e_deprecated & ~e_strict  html_errors = on ;   default value: on ;   development value: on ;   production value: on  log_errors = on ;   default value: off ;   development value: on ;   production value: on  ; max_input_time ;   default value: -1 (unlimited) ;   development value: 60 (60 seconds) ;   production value: 60 (60 seconds)   ; output_buffering ;   default value: off ;   development value: 4096 ;   production value: 4096  ; register_argc_argv ;   default value: on ;   development value: off ;   production value: off  ; request_order ;   default value: none ;   development value: "gp" ;   production value: "gp"  ; session.bug_compat_42 ;   default value: on ;   development value: on ;   production value: off  ; session.bug_compat_warn ;   default value: on ;   development value: on ;   production value: off  ; session.gc_divisor ;   default value: 100 ;   development value: 1000 ;   production value: 1000  ; session.hash_bits_per_character ;   default value: 4 ;   development value: 5 ;   production value: 5  short_open_tag = off ;   default value: on   ;   default value: none ;   development value: "gp" ;   production value: "gp"  ; session.bug_compat_42 ;   default value: on ;   development value: on ;   production value: off  ; session.bug_compat_warn ;   default value: on ;   development value: on ;   production value: off  ; session.gc_divisor ;   default value: 100 ;   development value: 1000 ;   production value: 1000  ; session.hash_bits_per_character ;   default value: 4 ;   development value: 5 ;   production value: 5  short_open_tag = off ;   default value: on ;   development value: off ;   production value: off  ; track_errors ;   default value: off ;   development value: on ;   production value: off  ; url_rewriter.tags ;   default value: "a=href,area=href,frame=src,form=,fieldset=" ;   development value: "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry" ;   production value: "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry"  ; variables_order ;   default value: "egpcs" ;   development value: "gpcs" ;   production value: "gpcs" 

also output_buffering - should still used if i'm on php5.5 opcache enabled?


your config looks fine development environment. production environment, want turn display_errors off , possibly reduce log level.

as question on output buffering, needs should dictate when use of output buffering appropriate. typically should used last resort, when no other approach work you. buffering output causes use more memory have store output.


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