Monkey patching use_ssl= method works for Net:HTTP but not for OpenURI in Ruby 1.9.3? -


  • ruby 1.9.3
  • rails 3.2.16
  • windows 7 x64


i'm trying fix infamous

ssl_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=sslv3 read server certificate b: certificate verify failed 

error including certificates in each http request perform. monkey patch net::http#use_ssl=:

# lib/gem_ext/net_http.rb require 'open-uri' require 'net/https'  module net   class http     alias_method :original_use_ssl=, :use_ssl=      def use_ssl=(flag)       store =       store.set_default_paths # auto-include system cas.        dir[rails.root + 'config/certificates/*'].each |cert|         puts "adding cert: #{cert}"         store.add_cert(       end        self.cert_store = store       self.verify_mode = openssl::ssl::verify_peer       self.original_use_ssl = flag     end   end end 

now, requests performed using net::http, example:

> uri = uri.parse('https://internal-app/secure_url.json?foo=bar') > net::http.start(, uri.port, :read_timeout => 10.minutes, :use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https') |http| >  http.request > end adding cert: config/certificates/cert1.cer adding cert: config/certificates/cert2.cer => #<net::httpok 200 ok readbody=true> 

work perfectly.

however, when try use openuri, thought wrapper around net::http (and other io operations), such as:

> require 'open-uri'     > open('https://our-all/secure_url.json?foo=bar', 'r', :read_timeout => 10.minutes) adding cert: config/certificates/cert1.cer adding cert: config/certificates/cert2.cer #<class:0x870e2e0>: ssl_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=sslv3 read server certi   d:/ruby/ruby193/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:800:in `connect'   d:/ruby/ruby193/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:800:in `block in connect 

so can see monkey patched method getting hit ("adding cert.."), still error. seems though else overriding it. ideas?


i managed come solution (a while now, hope still applicable).

according comments in code, needed monkey patch cert_store= "as use_ssl= net::http , openuri.open_httpcall these methods in different orders, need ensure certificates consistently added."

so, here solution:

module net   class http      alias_method :original_use_ssl=, :use_ssl=     def use_ssl=(flag)       store =       store.set_default_paths # auto-include system cas.       self.cert_store = store # include internal certificates.       self.verify_mode = openssl::ssl::verify_peer # force verification.       self.original_use_ssl = flag     end      alias_method :original_cert_store=, :cert_store=     def cert_store=(store)       dir[rails.root + 'config/certificates/*'].each |cert|         store.add_cert(       end        self.original_cert_store = store     end   end end 

hope helps


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