c# - Two webservices together in wp7 -

i want use result of webservice call in webservice call after it...but 2nd webservice getting called before result of 1st webservice.......i working on wp7 app.....

phoneservice.webservicesoapclient register = new phoneservice.webservicesoapclient();  register.insertnewcollegecompleted += register_insertnewcollegecompleted;                register.insertnewcollegeasync(newcollegename); register.insertnewcollegecompleted += register_insertnewcollegecompleted;  register.insertdatacompleted += register_insertdatacompleted;             register.insertdataasync(name.text, email.text, contact.text,         int.parse(partnerid.text.substring(2)), student_no.text, pass.text,         gender, branchid, yearid, collegeid, shirtreqd, accom); register.insertdatacompleted += register_insertdatacompleted;  void register_insertdatacompleted(object sender, phoneservice.insertdatacompletedeventargs e) {     messagebox.show("tt id is" + e.result); }  void register_insertnewcollegecompleted(object sender, phoneservice.insertnewcollegecompletedeventargs e) {     collegeid = e.result; } 

you can use asynccalls , wanted use register first , response in login api..
have done making asynchronous calls awaitable, can @ link. http://developer.nokia.com/community/wiki/asynchronous_programming_for_windows_phone_8 , help:


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